C-12 in SRX

In a stock SRX you'd be wasting money and may actually see a decrease in performance. Splashing some into a tank of questionable fuel to bring above 91 would be good but running straight race fuel would be going backwards, performance wise.
I like using it my lawnmower. I love the smell of it while I am out mowing the grass. LOL
Just use the Klotz oil if your just after the smell. That Torco octane booster says it adds a racing fuel smell. Maybe a 8oz per tank will be enough to not raise octane too much but get the smell. The racing gas around here is 110 octane and $7.75 a gallon. I wouldn't run it for the above reasons. It may be stale also.(a lot of boaters use it)
To me, Klotz oil smells like scented Kleenix or the steam from a dryer vent. Better then plain old 2 stroke oil.
You win the lottery? Do not go out and buy nitromethane rc fuels either. Sure smells nice but will destroy your motor. My brother had a mini crotch rocket many years ago and He got drunk and put a little of my rc fuel(15%) in the tank, maybe a half a cup. Within 15 minutes it dissolved every diaphram and gasket in the carb. Rebuilt the carb and it was ok after flushing out the fuel system.

If you just want the smell, I think 10:1 should do it if you really really like it.
They still sell 93 premium here. I saw posts where premium is 91 octane in different areas.
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