hyfax wearing out on front bend, Why?


New member
Dec 4, 2003
Victoria, MN
My hyfaxes are wearing out abnormally quickly right on the front of the slide. What is setup incorrectly? Track to tight?
What sled do you have? My SXR blew through Hyfax before I installed the M-10 suspension. The best thing you can do is loosen your tack so it free hangs about 3 inches sounds crazy but it works. Maximun Performance makes a kit for the pro action....comes with a bigger boggy wheels and you install it on that bend. I think the polaris boggys work good to. Good Luck!
Yo maxwell,
I was going to post the exact same thing after inspecting the hyfax over the weekend. I have riden a total of about 200 miles on bran friggin new hyfax and I took a peak at them this weekend. I saw that in the bend area where you mention that I have about 1/8 of an inch left before getting to the wear mark. I have been doing some research and it looks like I'll have to do some adjusting of the shock setting and limiter strap tension. On that note, the person that I bought it from said he installed aftermarket adjustable transfer rods (no idea what make). Can someone shed some light on how or where the transfer rods should be set, and what different settings do??? A pic if anyone has it would help me understand a little. I just bought the sled in Oct. Overhaul/service of everything in November, and new track installed as well, but I just don't know anything about the transfer rods. Thanks in advance for the help.

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You guys may want to watch your hyfaxes real close. I have found that they wear quickly to the line and then stop. Give them a chance, and see if they quit wearing after they get to the line. Mine have been at the line all season. I do have a new set ready to put on in case they do go through.

Mine is a 97 700SX.

Your adjustable transfer rods can be adjusted for trail or for drag racing, If you adjust them to full transfer or drag race mode, they will not work well on the trail, you will be lifting your skis comming out of the corners or I guess I should say as you are accelerating out of the corner you will not have good ski pressure and can go off the trail.

Larger the gap the more transfer you will have. I have mine set at about the halfway point so I just leave them there. Kinda defeats the purpouse of haveing adjustable ones but it works well for me.

Bottom line is full transfer or most gap for drag racing and adjust the other way for agressive trail riding.

If I did not say this right or am missleading someone will chime in and correct me. And please do.

If you go to the tech page and look under suspension you will find some great information there about this subject.
It is worth checking out.
I will check that out yamyrider.....
As for the quick response and understanding of the transfer rod, I appreciate that. Now for the gap question. When looking at the gap, is that from the bottom of the transfer rod? Mine has a turn nob at the top that I use to adjust. And on that note as well, when adjusting from bigger gap (dragging) to smaller gap (trail riding), how will that effect the wear on the slider. From what I have read, it seems as though the setting for trail riding (more ski pressure) would result in less wear.
Now I'm off to the tech section.....
I think the limiter strap adjustment is going to affect the hyfax wear more than your adjustments to the transfer rods.

Use a 10 mm open wrench as a guide. If the wrench fits over the hyfax on the side of the rail they are thin. I have found exactly what Todd said, they wear to the line and stop. The wheels pick the slack from there.
yep, let them wear out, they wear FAST to just about the wear line then don't wear at all. 2100 miles on my factory ones and I changed them when I installed the Ripsaw just for preventive maintinace.
Hy-FAx Wear

I just bought a SXR700 2001, the Hy-FAX looked thin so I replaced them. Went to the UP last week end and after 39 miles they were wore to the line. Thought I was going to have some trouble, rode another 180 miles on Saturday and the wear did not seem to change any. I was on here looking for info as I was going to change again before my next trip in two weeks. We are going for 4 days and its about 600 miles. Mine seem to wear the most near the rear between the front two boggie wheels and the rear wheels? Is that dictated by the transfer rods? It also looked like they wore a little more on the right than on the left?
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I think the factory setting says to have about a 24 lb pull on the track to adjust the track tension. I dropped that to a 16 lb pull and my hifax are lasting alot longer. What I did was to keep dropping pull weight, had someone get on my sled and on a packed snow condition take the slack out of the track (give her gas) and I can now see a slight gap between the hifax and the track. Maybe 1/16 to 1/8. Good Luck!
