Newly adopted Viper


Jan 21, 2015
Minturn, CO
Newly adopted Viper - Jetting/clutching

First, just by looking at it, I'm sure some of you probably know to whom the sled belonged. Second, you might be wondering why the hell I traveled so far to get it.. Hard to fully explain as it would take too many words, but to sum it up, want and an appreciation for what's been done.

"The Mistress" used to eat trails for breakfast.. I figured it's time to modify her figure with a bit more surgery, then change her diet accordingly. Goodbye WI, hello CO! I'll keep ya'll posted on the changes to come this summer..image.jpg
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Made the trek home successfully! Easy driving until the last 50 miles where I rolled up on a very welcomed blizzard up here in the mountains! Got the day off tomorrow so time to play!
So now with the sled living at 8k feet+, I am heading over to local shop to buy new jets. What are the appropriate changes I should make to the clutches as far as weights/springs?
Your local Yamaha dealer should have the Tech Update Manual that should have both a jetting and clutching/gearing chart for setting up your sled for any elevation. Let me know if they don't and I can help you out.
Thanks for the response, Don. Funny thing is I called the local shop about 45 mins ago and after talking to the guy, I decided against going there. I specifically asked what clutching / jetting options I need to consider for this model at this elevation. He stated they have no referencing info and that I should just come in to talk with them about it, then they would try and set me up. :o|:o| Up here, local means 30 miles away.. So it has the potential to be a wasted trip during a snow storm.
Indeed I will! Today I gave it that wax job you mentioned (creates the oh-ah effect), cleaned the seat to make it look next to new (thanks for swapping that btw;)! ), then began polishing the tunnel. Even though :winterrul, the real work will start when its sunny and 70!
