Looking for another Black Viper


VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
syracuse indiana
I have been contemplating on buying a newer sled, specifically a Nytro. I have test ran several newer sleds from Apex's to the New Viper, to Nytro's ect. Each one has dissapointed me with off the groomed trail performance. For the cost I would have to incure to simply upgrade the tracks and suspension, I have to ask myself why?? So, I guess I will now be looking for a clean Black low milage 2 stroke Viper. I already have an extra Boss seat and a spare 136 skid and a spare 8 tooth drive axle assy for Vipers. I know for the cost I can save a couple thousand dollars sticking with the tried and true 2 stroke. My ole Sxr's are already great two trackers as well as our Viper. I really like running the Viper as it is quieter than the Sxr's. The only item I would have to buy is 1.375 cobra track and Slim jim Dooly wear bars. So again I will be looking for a Black 2 stroke Viper this spring.
