Good scale


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
I have a question about scales. I thought mine was a good one but its been acting weird, It won't tare sometimes and seems like its loosing it's accuracy. I got it on amazon as a dual purpose scale. It can weigh up to 18 pounds but won't go any less then a gram. Basically, its a big kitchen scale. It still gets 5 star ratings on amazon and I mainly use it for firework chemical compositions but now I want to use it for weighing clutch weights and it isn't sensitive enough for that so I was wondering what you guys use. I need it to hold a decent amount of weight yet go to the 10ths of a gram and have a fairly large surface. Do you guys use a digital one or a doctor style one with the weights that slide? It doesn't have to hold 18 pounds but maybe 10 max. Thanks for any suggestions.
P.S. Its an Ozeri Touch ll.
i use a digital scale i picked up on ebay for my rc helicopter hobby where accuracy is very important. vibs do all kinds of bad things with these. they only go from 0-1000 grams and work great. only payed like $10 shipped. come in all kind of handy for little stuff like clutch weights
I kind of want a multi-purpose one. One that can handle some good weight yet go to the 1/10 of a gram. Mine works OK, I just checked it with a calibration weight but it doesn't go to 1/10 of a gram. I saw on on a snowmobile performance site that looked nice. I could use that for fine measuring and mine for more weight. I think mine way $20 or 25 on amazon. Gotta get my use out of the prime membership. Yours doesn't go lower then a gram? What is a vib?
yes mine go lower. i think they read down to .0001 and up to 1000gram rc helicopter stuff is very vibration (vibs) sensitive as any vibs from weight imbalance is picked up by the flybarless gyro used. they are very sophisticated these days. for anyone that has never seen these here is a very competent flyer flying 3d
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You are more than welcome. It is a sensitive little sucker. If you bring weights from the garage into the house(temp & humidity change) and weigh the clutch weights right away, they will gradually gain weight until the piece gets up to room temperature. I'd imagine from humidity. The gain will be in the .00 (hundredths position). That's splitin hairs on a gram scale of things.
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