05 polaris edge touring questions


New member
Jul 1, 2007
Berlin NH
recently picked up an 05 Polaris edge touring 800. previous owner put 4000 miles on and has had it in storage for several years with no use. he replaced battery and had a "tune up" done. as far as I know, gas and oil currently in it have been sitting as long as sled has.

once warm, sled idles close to 3500RPM and timing sounds way off. first time this happened I turned off the key, sled kept running, hit kill switch, sled kept running, pulled spark plug caps off both cylinders, sled kept running, pinned throttle, sled bogged and shut off....WTH????

has M10 ACE electronic rear suspension-when button on handlebar is pressed to adjust, nothing happens? common issue?

storage under back seat extremely hot because of heat exchanger....I fear i would melt whatever I put in there.......fixes?
As much as im not brand loyal to yamaha i dont like those sleds. personally seen sooo many problems with the early 800VES engines. Sorry for not helping out but i cant think of why the sled is "diesleing" without any spark. Ive only seen it once before with a hot running rev 800 where we had to pull choke to kill it. Never happened again after that.
I ran it again today...still idling around 3500RPM when warmed up and seems like the motor is working really hard. for example.... got it up to about 20MPH on level ground and the tac was reading around 6000RPM.
There is obviously a cooling issue. Causing it to diesel after it is shut off. I've ran into quite a few sellers who have turned up the idle to get it to stay running. IE plugged pilots.
I'm in just to see whats up with this thing. Cant say I have ever heard of this issue on any sled. checked the carbs at all?
my plan is to pull the carbs this weekend and run through them...it only dieseled that once and hasn't done it since, but still running high when idling. was thinking about it and was thinking that perhaps the bowl floats are gummed up in the carbs causing constant fuel flow.......but cant say I have ever seen a 2 stroke diesel
I'd start from scratch. Check the c to c, offset, an air leak on intake. How do the plugs look? Lean? Lets find us a service manual, shall we?
I located a owner manual for the model I have and it doesn't mention much about my particular problem.... had a friend come over who is pretty good with small engine repair and he thinks the idle issue is in the carbs somewhere, possibly the floats gummed up and not preforming properly.... also spoke to previous owner who said the guy who "tuned" it up was just a buddy and not an actual mechanic of sorts.... still think ill pull the carbs and run through them.....

checked the plugs and they looked good. although I couldn't find in the manual about a plug recommendation......it currently has BR9ECS's installed.

also seemed to have good compression on each cylinder and when turning it over without plugs in, I wasn't getting fuel spitting out the top which makes me think its not running overly rich....which makes me second guess a possible carb issue.....

Viktory2k1: this is the Polaris I split the purchase with my uncle on. him and I talked today, and I think im just going to take it to the local Polaris dealer and have them give me an estimate...... I don't want to sink huge money into this sled.... the original owner has already expressed that he would take it back if we were uncomfortable with the purchase.
I located a owner manual for the model I have and it doesn't mention much about my particular problem....

I have a service manual, i'm sure it has the same motor. There may be one for that exact sled so I had to register on that forum to gain access to the "other manuals" the guy who posted the RMK/switchback manual said. Some guy just posted about 20 service manuals of all types and there is more on the site. The one I got might help. Just getting an estimate will probably run $100. The forum is snowmobile fanatics.com. Let me go look
well cant say I have anything new to report....other then I wrecked my brother in laws dump trailer trying to haul this sled. the receiver popped off the ball of my truck and mangled itself. had to have it towed on a flat bed wrecker back home ($$$$). so that just got repaired today and I hope to get some answers on this sled soon.

had the carbs gone through...pilots where plugged real good, but found nothing else wrong. put the carbs back together and sled ran well. still going to pump out crap gas and run for a bit before storing.
