How I ride


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
I was asked how I do 90% of my riding a while back.
I revised my answer:
5% on DNR trails(only 2 days this year)
75% testing to see how fast it goes after changing something...or not.
10% off trail riding, making my own.
10% waiting for my bearing.
50% trying to find someone to ride with mixed in there somewhere.
I've been riding the wildcat for the last 2 weeks except Monday.
I found that sled will hit 100mph on speedo and nothing more, seems to run out of gear and I don't thing gearing it up would help.
I rode the John Deere twice this season.
I still believe that where going to get 1 more big snow before its time to work on them for next year. Well, maybe let them sit for a while just for a break.
So to sum it up, I like to see how fast I can go 75% of the time. I did not race anyone this year, not even my srx vs wildcat. Grand total of mileage so far including all 3 is about 600-700.
I am going to change my setup accordingly, see how fast I can go most of the time but still hit the trails and make my own here and there. When I ride the trails, I don't act like a NASCAR driver like most around here. I like to take it easy and catch the views and stuff like that but once I hit a lake, I let her rip after making sure its safe.
I just thought I would add that.
With the riding season being so short, it's terrible to have to wait anytime for parts!!! At least you have backup sleds so you are not completely stranded. During the off season, go through the whole sled and check out every bearing. In this sport with the unpredicatable and unreliabel weather, you have to be prepared to treat every ride like it is your last for the season.
Yep, started today with jackshaft bearing, just a repack. Case looked good and skid bearings mostly new. I gotta do all 3 though. Parts came and replaced driveshaft bearing. Finally, and no snow.
My riding often times depends on the group I am riding with. If its girlfriend, step son and daughter its usually all trail riding with me dinking around here and there waiting for them to catch up. One of the groups of guys I ride with its pretty fast and furious trail and power/pipe line riding. The other group of guys I ride with stick pretty well to the trails and keep a pretty steady pace going. If I am left to my own devices riding by myself I tend to wander all over, kriss crossing the trail numerous times running trail roads, power/ pipe lines.....just which ever direction suits my fancy at the moment.
Off trail or breaking trail only happens when I have a partner in crime. If soloing, I stay on the groomed trails unless I am expected somewhere.
It seems that 75% of the time, I am riding alone too. Its been so long that I actually rode all trails, I don't even know them around here anymore. This season, I think the trails were open 2 weeks max. I rode them twice for a total of 4 miles on the groomed trails. Must have been a bad year for some ppl. The 1/2 hour I was on the trails I saw 2 broken down new sleds with nobody near them. Had to have been 2012 or newer, 1 Cat and 1 Ski-doo. Also 2 El-tigres on the lake, 1 90 or 91 and an early one from the mid-late 70's, both right in the middle of a channel(not the same channel). The newer one was there for 2 days. I saw that guy and asked if he needed a tow or help, I think he said no because the carbs overheated?! Fumes of booze came off that guy.
I rode every weekend and through the week Wed through Sunday. This was from Jan 6 through March 7. My riding was a combination of groomed trails and two tracks. Had a blast this year with 0 malfunctions. Clocked 2,300 miles on the Sxr. Today we summerized and put into storage. All 4 are treated and waxed down. Tomorrow, we are loading up the Banshee's to head North on Thursday.
At least someone knew! ultralll or something. I dont think they fit right or are installed wrong. Like the spindle is too narrow for ski "pinch" area
