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I lost by two lengths to a 15' F8 , on snow today . UNACCEPTABLE! I Beat him outa the hole then by 40 mph he got me by two lengths n held that lead till 100 mph I think a longer run and Ida got it back cus I was gaining again but never going to get that type of race around here .
My sled is an 02 700 srx . Trail ported , 135# comp in all 3 ,track is a 1" hacksaw with 96 studs , big wheels in the stock skid , primary is H/C red n 10/40's 5.6 in the heel n 7.8 in the tip . Driven is dalton 50/36 with a yami green dot wrapped at 60 . Engine pulls 8700 stedy . New 8DN belt . Running a reverse chain case with 38/23 gearing . I'm pretty happy with the suspension set up because I holeshotted a 15 800 etec yesterday but was able to hold that lead all the way to the end . ANY advice or imput would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance guys
My sled is an 02 700 srx . Trail ported , 135# comp in all 3 ,track is a 1" hacksaw with 96 studs , big wheels in the stock skid , primary is H/C red n 10/40's 5.6 in the heel n 7.8 in the tip . Driven is dalton 50/36 with a yami green dot wrapped at 60 . Engine pulls 8700 stedy . New 8DN belt . Running a reverse chain case with 38/23 gearing . I'm pretty happy with the suspension set up because I holeshotted a 15 800 etec yesterday but was able to hold that lead all the way to the end . ANY advice or imput would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance guys
lighter driver? idk who did the porting but 8700 seems high to me but could be your builder stated to run it that high. Maybe borrow a buddies sx viper cdi box and plug that thing in and mix some 110 with 93.
New member
I'm 180 lbs . I've run it at 84 n 85 n 8600 but just ssems to pull harder up high. I Ha e a viper CDI but I was thinking something a little more permanent.
New member
if it's the 800cc twin it's suppost to have 142 hp stock and arctic cat is known to over rate their snowmobiles apparently but I'm not 100% sure, you make around 143ish stock, if your ported then your not putting your power down, dial your rig in and put that arctic scrap behind u where it belongs, I don't know what your engine setup is but stock peak is 8500rpm so if your power is in the same place your not putting your power down due to over reving, in my mind a twin has no business ahead of a tripple of equal potency after 90mph if both sleds are running strong and hooking, I think something just isn't right with your clutching, is that f8 modified at all? We gotta remedy this! He might just be geared and clutched specifically for 100 if so its hard to outrun a twin like that without playing the same game, either way we gotta get you ahead of this guy so u can tell him your power valves needed a service and 2 cylinders are low loool
New member
No its the 160 hp version n its been clutched a bit
How long was the race and how new is the belt? Weather conditions also. He has EFI so you would have to get a dial-a-jet or something. I think more details are needed.
New member
The race was unmeasured but essentially it was to 90% or better of either machines full range of power / speed . Weather was mild and I jetted mine down accordingly prior to heading out for the race . The belt had 80 miles on it
Oh so you were fully prepared. Maybe gear taller for that long of a race or a slightly steeper helix. I don't know how much winter is left for this. That cat sounds very dialed it too. I think the older 800's were the turds. Thats a twin, the cat, right?
I didn't even get to race anyone this season, not even my SRX vs my Wildcat. I know the srx would win but it would still be fun. This is where I am at now with mine.
Active member
rolling resistance maybe your best friend to gain a coupe of length. Bigger wheels in suspension, proper track tension, different chain case fluid, good bearings in drivetrain. Taking some Lbs off the sled as well will gain some.
New member
I've changed every bearing in the chassis this year and That includes the big wheels in back and also big idlers . I run the track on the tight side and am constantly checking my tunnel etc for signs of rubbing . The driver could stand to lose some lb,s too lol . My thoughts are towards my clutching in the mid range however I'm not well enough versed in the art of clutching to make an exucated guess on which way to go . Better dig out my copy of Aens clutch book n give it a read again . Y2K was that run you recorded on ice or snow ?
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Timing will start to fall off after 8500. Some one posted the timing curve on here not to long ago.
New member
I thought 8750 before it pulls timing ?
Post 25.
There was another post i was trying to find. ..a guy had the specs listed. ..he got then directly from yamaha.
There was another post i was trying to find. ..a guy had the specs listed. ..he got then directly from yamaha.
If you have the traction, gear down one tooth and maybe get a helix with a steeper end angle to compensate. I think you should get more speed than that if you hold for long, I've gotten mine up to about 203 km/h (km/h speedometer goes to 200 or 124,3), so I got about 126 in excellent conditions. And mine is stock except HC set up and 1'' track. No studs. The best I got from gps so far is 116 mph.
Here is the other post I was looking for...looks like timing isn't much of a change.
New member
Dial that clutch in, id pm one of the pros on here like mrviper or yammiegod, one of those fellas, ask them to help you with some suggestions, if there's a lake nearby I'd challenge him to race there, he's lighter and has more power IT sounds like, but put the srx on the lake and dial it in I think it's gonna be close cuz those new cats put their power to the track very well, if no lake I'd suggest gearing down aswell, Victory at all costs
New member
Keep us posted on the tuning, you gotta beat him next time
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Turns out the ole blue goose just likes to run fatter than I thought . Ran same guy 4x today n won 3 . And I was corrected its not an F8 its a Zr800 sno pro
New member
Same scenerio tho I'd hole shot him then he'd gain that back but this time I was able to stay out front n on top pull away