8dn or dayco v-belt?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
For years, this is not even been an issue for me, 8 dn hands down. But here the other day, I found the v-belt from when I bought that kit with v belt and washers from Hartman inc. It really didn't work for me, for what I was doing then but now it seems to work. I had set up my MM for dragracing on snow on the river, and believe it or not, the dayco seemed to transfer a little more power to the ground and ran a tad cooler. I guess the issue with the stock belt is not in the secondary, because the HC weights grab it well, but the secondary, but then again it's hard to tell because they were both a tad cooler.
This was on a stock MM 700 2001 with heelclickers, set up for amateur drags on the river.
Believe it or not, here are the results:

IQR race sled without registration: loss
M 8000, loss, one ski length
Freeride 800 15 model, it spun too hard, won against it on wet snow
Lynx boondocker and M6000 refused to race.
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