best way to summerize your sled?

Nov 5, 2014
I need help, someone please tell me the best way to summerize you sled. Thanks, I've never had a good new sled that I cared about summerizing.
If you have the owners manual it will have a run down of the general procedure but there's always extra stuff people like to do.I personally like to start by siphoning the gas out of the tank and running the engine til it empties the carbs and dies out.I will also pull the oil pump cable so it is at max flow for the last little bit to give the crank bearings lots of oil.Once the engine dies I'll grab my can of fogging oil and spray some down each spark plug hole to coat the cylinders.Once that's done I will clean all the oil and grease from around the engine and anywhere I can reach under it,wash the sled and dry it so it doesn't water spot,wax the hood,spray the seat down with silicone spray,grease all the fittings in the skid and front end and something that I just started doing a couple of years ago id spraying Fluid Film around the engine and in the tunnel and skid.Pretty much any place where there's exposed unpainted metal.I store my sleds in a clamshell trailer which is why I started using the FF spray,it helps to combat the sweating that occurs inside the trailer during the summer months.I also loosen the track,and take both clutches off and pull the springs to take the preload off them and once I have my trailer parked for the summer I use a track jack/stand to take the weight off the skid.I'm sure there's other stuff I do but I can't think of it right now.
I pour recommended amount of stabil into gas tank then fill to the top with fresh premium gas. Then I put old spark plugs in start sled and let the sled idle for about 3-5mins while pulling up on the oil cable. Shut sled off, then I dump a cap full of oil down each cylinder for insurance. Then I remove the belt and hang it up. Then spray the entire engine compartment with wd-40...lots of it! Then grease, wash n maybe a coat of wax if I got time, put it on the lift, throw the cover on it....tell her what a good girl she was and call it a day!
I think starbrite is a better additive than stabil. Starbrite is made for smaller engines. I drain the fuel from the tank and then drain all of the carb bowls.
3/4 tank of gas and stabil. Il clean carbs before the winter anyways. Il grease suspension and bearings if needed. Some people go crazy with the summerizing process but after doing whats been done since 97 with no issues il say thats all thats needed
All of these methods and products work, find what's best, easiest and cost effective for you. But if you just park it like some guys do without doing anything, your guaranteed to have problems.
Run stabil in the last tank, then pull the air box off and spray fogger till it dies, then empty and clean carbs, drain tank, take the belt off, hit the geese nipples and she's done. The. Just add gas and pull the cord once the snow falls.
The last few years I have been doing nosboy's atf trick but its a bitch to start. This year I sucked the fuel out of the tank, started the sled and let in run just till its starts to stumble and shut it off. Then I poured in a can of Tru-Fuel and let it suck up into the carbs. It has a life of 2 years open, no ethanol, leaves no varnish/gum, and has stabilizers built in. Check it out!!
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