My 01 SRX has Bender trail porting done to it and so far as I've been running the sled all I've been using is 91 octane supreme gas,which as far as I know is ethanol free here in New Brunswick as of yet.I am going to try and get the spec/setup sheet from Bender but would like to know from those that know,should I be using octane boost to add a bit of a safety margin?It also has bored carbs,152.5 mains across the board and 45 pilots.The research I've gathered so far on boost available in my area leaves me with a couple of choices,NOS race formula which is supposed to raise the octane a full 3 to 5 numbers,or Amsoil boost which is supposed to raise the number a full 3 points.I picked up a couple of bottles of the NOS to carry with me in the event that I can't get 91 supreme at a service station but wonder if I should be using it at every fillup?

I have heard that most of octane boosters dont raise it enough to make difference... I am sure they wont hurt but are truly not a great supplement for high octane fuels.
New member
Not to hijack your post but just to share an experience. I have a trail ported 02 SRX and a while on a trip recently the only gas was an ethanol station . I filled up with what was advertised as 93 octane ... JUNK ! DCS was going off like a strobe light ! Next fill up was brand name premium 91 and all was better. At that time I was wishing I had a bottle of octane boost with me .
if you look up the msds sheets on amsoil octane booster. 94% of it is kero. take the info for what it is worth
If your heads were milled also, 91 may not be good enough,, ask me how i know! 91 was fine for me until Temps dropped then it melted a piston.
Nos boost or Torco do work based on all the research I have done. The nos had a real octane boost of 2.8 I believe. Can't hurt to pour half a bottle in at each fill up. That's what I do. my 04 viper has slp pipes, mrviper porting ,head left stock, jetted per slp specs. Used half bottle at -10 dcs flashed poured other half in tank and had no problems.
Our temps here are above freezing during the days now but when it was colder I should've looked at the piston wash and plugs to get an idea of how it's burning. My son rides this sled 90% of the time and it isn't ran hard by any means but there is the odd time I like to take it myself and flog it. I think to be safe I'll start using some with each fill up.
I have heard that most of octane boosters dont raise it enough to make difference... I am sure they wont hurt but are truly not a great supplement for high octane fuels.
I did quite a lot of reading about readily available boosters and there is only like 3 or 4 that raise the octane number by full numbers rather than points of a number,and NOS,Torco,Amsoil and I think Klotz was the other one that did this.Most other commercially available boosters only raise the octane by 10ths of a number.