01srx700 Hot Trail setup

Hammer Down

Apr 13, 2013
Looking for a hot trail clutching/gearing setup for stock motor 700, has an aftermarket can and stock jetting. I also need track/stud setup for running tighter twisty trails.
Primary: Heelclicker weight with about 5,4 grams in heel, and about 6,8 grams in tip (use a nut on the other side). Red heelclicker spring.
Secondary: Dalton 50/38, with Hauck red spring @70 degrees.
22/38 gearing for 1'' or 1,25'' track.
I have both setups in my SRXs,heelclickers in my '98 and the 8DN20s in my 01.I know the clickers work good and pull strong but if I were to do it all over again knowing what I know now I think I'd stick to Yamaha parts,it's just easier to get things like springs when they need replacement.
heel clickers will be way faster then the 8dn 20 set up, and they are adjustable to whatever you may do to the sled in the future. Way better backshift for when your on and off the gas in tight trail riding. The 8dn20 set up is more of a budget lake race or wide open field race set up, due to the big helix used it doesnt backshift for tighter trail riding nor was it designed to, so you have to figure out what type of riding your going to do and then set up the sled for that with the clutching. Heel Clicker 40-10 kit cost right around $235 shipped to your door, plus you need a multi angler helix if new is around $125. Where as you can build the loaded 8dn20 set up for around $165 total, so the 8dn20 set up is about half the cost.

There is no problem getting a new spring for the heel clickers they keep them in stock and they cost $20. The red spring works the best.
Why pinch on the clutch set up? I'ts the most cost effective performance upgrade there is. The HCs clamp the belt the way the primary is supposed to clamp the hard 8dn belt. It totally rips. I have also replaced the HC spring, there was no problem getting spare parts.
Nobody carries things like heelclicker springs,or even the kits for that matter,around here so any time I need to get my hands on things like this I have to mail order it.And most of the time it's from a US supplier,and now that our dollar has taken a big drop it makes for shopping for this kind of thing rather expensive.I can go to my local dealer and get a Yamaha spring for $25 to $30 dollars where a new clicker red spring will run me,like it was stated,$20 US then factor in a roughly 25% exchange rate then brockerage and duty to get it across the border.I recently found out that Gerry Prosser in Ontario still is the rep for Bender in Canada so I may be able to get things like springs from him,it'll be interesting what the pricing will be like.
How do the 8bu-10 weights compare to the heelclickers or the 8dn-20? I have the 8dn-20 setup and was also wanting to try something different. I did not like the way it backshifted.
How do the 8bu-10 weights compare to the heelclickers or the 8dn-20? I have the 8dn-20 setup and was also wanting to try something different. I did not like the way it backshifted.

I'm using the 8dn-20 set up on mine, the sled pulled really hard on the straights but it wasn't the best on and off the gas, I put the stock helix back in it, seems to have a better back shift now.
You can get all you need from HC from Rich here on the site, I just don't see the problem. You spent big bucks on getting the sled like you want it, and then you pinch on the clutching? Makes no sense.
