Carb Questions


New member
Jan 7, 2014
central new york
I am going to do the conversion on my 1978 Exciter 250 with the 34mm Mikuni. I have a ton of Mikuni carbs but not a 34mm My question is this some posts had the 34mm at 220 main and a 30 pilot the other reccomendation was a 250 main and a 50 pilot, both for 34mm carbs. If I was to use a 32mm or a 36mm Mikuni which way do you go on the jetting? Is there a " rule of thumb " if you go to a bigger carb you must decrease the jetting or vice versa? Or if you go to a smaller say 32MM do you increase jetting ? Any bench marks to help get it close before fine tuning would help.
Generally, smaller carb, smaller jets, bigger carb, bigger jets. A 50 pilot seems to be a bit much for a 250 and I would guess that a richer needle or needle clip setting would ultimately be needed, maybe a richer slide, but sometimes things work that dont make sense.
