The seat foam of both my SRX's have pulled apart where the rear hump meets the main flat of the seat,right down through .It hasn't tore completely apart yet so I'd like to glue the foam back together before it does,what I'd like to know is if there's a spray or paste type glue I can buy myself that will actually hold to the porous foam or should I just take it to an upholstery shop and have it done?
Active member
I used some black adheasive i had lying around. Stuff that comes in the tubes to fit in caulk guns. Tried using some multipurpose adheasive and it melted the foam.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I would probably use a whole container of rubber cement. Or electricians use what's called LIQUID TAPE. It's the same thing.
New member
3M spray 77 adhesive, it is like contact cement in a spray can. Just follow the instructions on the can it will stick the foam together and not become brittle, flexing with the foam.
New member
3M spray 77 adhesive, it is like contact cement in a spray can. Just follow the instructions on the can it will stick the foam together and not become brittle, flexing with the foam.
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