For those in Vermont - lincoln gap road


Jan 28, 2010
Lincoln gap road is closed and does have enough snow to snowmobile. There's a guy who plows the road, so the lincoln side is ice with a dusting of snow covering it, but I think there's enough ice so as to not ruin studs, and enough snow dust to save hyfaxes. When you get to the Warren side, the snow is deeper as he doesn't plow that side.

Just something to keep in mind if you want to test something out before more snow comes.

Once we get snow, you should come to the Barre/Williamstown area in Vermont and we could go for a ride!
About 4" on the ground right now. Snowing a little more tonight, so maybe another inch or two. Still not enough. Grrrr.....
We got another 4" or so today and the trails in Woodford are open. Thing is I can't get down my driveway! It all ice! :o|
we got about 6in in vershire but im itching to ride but really dont want to tear up the sled
chascook, if you're ever going to be riding in the Barre/Williamstown/Barre Town areas, let me know. Would enjoy going for a ride with some fellow TY'ers!
Went out in Randolph today. Coverage was pretty good considering. Only a few spots where we had to really slow down. It was great to get out and ride again.

Do any of you guys around central vermont have a clutch alignment tool I could use for a few minutes?
Racing666 said:
Once we get snow, you should come to the Barre/Williamstown area in Vermont and we could go for a ride!

Doh, wish i had read this sooner. I was just there this past sunday. Went on 12/14 and 14F. Good coverage, but very bumpy (on my SRX) due to no grooming, only rolling. I'd love to hear an update tomorrow if there's still snow after this storm that's supposed to be snow turning to rain. VAST's website seems to never update the trail conditions.
I'm still kind of waiting on the weather forecast before I jump on paying for VAST etc. We've already lost out on a month so I think they should do a discounted rate due to conditions.
Went to stowe yesterday. Conditions very good considering. That will all change tonight when we're supposed to get 0.75" of rain
Yeah i hear you... It's POURING rain right now in Barre. Whoever is pissing off mother nature needs to stop.
Very sad about the rain. Trails were pretty much perfect yesterday in waterbury/stowe.
I drove by a trail in Barre today up near the Berlin Airport sort of, and the trail is down to dirt/grass with a few deep water holes. I may have to put off riding this year because of this weather.
Friday is supposed to bring a weather event. They're saying mixed, but who knows. Maybe the Waterbury/Barre area will get snow? Hopefully, they have in the past when the champlain valley has gotten rain.
Yeah there is a winter storm WARNING for eastern Vermont calling for 1-4" of snow lol... Seriously??
