Hello, just got me another 02 viper. The problem I am having is when I turn key to start all you here is clicking. But if you turn the key just slightly it will sometimes catch and will start. Thought it might be battery so charged it over night. It was reading 12.62 volts when I put it back in sled. Still the same problem. Could it be the starter or maybe the ignition switch. Thanks for any info.
Try jumping the starter solenoid. If starter goes right away, odds are it is failing.
Get a hammer or whatever will fit in where the starter is. Have someone turn the key while you tap the starter. Usually will do the trick.
Get a hammer or whatever will fit in where the starter is. Have someone turn the key while you tap the starter. Usually will do the trick.
If this works the armature is dirty from oxidized brush material. You can disassemble the starter and emory cloth the armature and brushes which as about all that's done with a "rebuilt" starter. There are usually holes in the brush/back plate located above the brush holders. Insert paper clip wire to hold the brushes back against thier spring so you can install the brush/end plate over the amature.
put a volt meter on the battery and when you crank it, what does the voltmeter say?