New member
Hey all,
Last ride my speedo was bouncing all over the place, like 100-85-90-97 etc. Did a search on here and came to the conclusion it was the speed sensor. Changed it at a cost of $100, took the old sled out today and now it just registers 0. Any ideas what to check next? Am I looking at a wire rubthrough?
Last ride my speedo was bouncing all over the place, like 100-85-90-97 etc. Did a search on here and came to the conclusion it was the speed sensor. Changed it at a cost of $100, took the old sled out today and now it just registers 0. Any ideas what to check next? Am I looking at a wire rubthrough?
Hey all,
Last ride my speedo was bouncing all over the place, like 100-85-90-97 etc. Did a search on here and came to the conclusion it was the speed sensor. Changed it at a cost of $100, took the old sled out today and now it just registers 0. Any ideas what to check next? Am I looking at a wire rubthrough?
If the under engine harness has never been out, untaped and inspected I'd start there. Did you look real good at the axle bearing or do you know if it's ever been replaced? Loosen the track and check for any run-out or signs of rust. With the speedo drive removed, have someone push up and down on the drive shaft while you look at the end of the axle for movement. If it's the original I'd suggest changing it anyhow.
New member
If the under engine harness has never been out, untaped and inspected I'd start there. Did you look real good at the axle bearing or do you know if it's ever been replaced? Loosen the track and check for any run-out or signs of rust. With the speedo drive removed, have someone push up and down on the drive shaft while you look at the end of the axle for movement. If it's the original I'd suggest changing it anyhow.
I replaced the bearing 500 miles ago. Should still be good.
New member
Key word being "should". Beginning of this season I had an 'all balls' speedo bearing with less than 500 mi. on it that the collar cracked from one end to the other. Almost left me in the woods.
New member
Key word being "should". Beginning of this season I had an 'all balls' speedo bearing with less than 500 mi. on it that the collar cracked from one end to the other. Almost left me in the woods.
That very disconcerting as the bearing I put in were 'All Balls', although that wasn't the problem.
I thought I might as well pull the harness just to be sure, sled has 10,000 miles on it. Found one wire (see below) rubbed through. Followed it up, Hey it goes to the speedo! Eureka! Taped it up then put a wire loom over the length of the harness pulled it back through plugged it in and fired it up.... Speedo still no worko damnit!

So I tested each wire for continuity from where the sensor plugs in all the way to the Dash, they all get perfect readings. Fired up the sled tested DC voltage to each pin, white wire gets 4.5-4.7, seems ok. Black wire gets 13 volts, seems ok and the last wire gets nothing, I'm guessing this wires voltage rises as the speed increases, so everything seems ok. So i took the gear off the drive shaft and put it in my drill and held it close to the sensor and ran it beside the sensor. F*&#!!!! Speedo starts working! So I essentially tore my entire sled apart and the problem was the new sensor I installed was not installed close enough to the gear on the driveshaft. I guess they leave room for adjustment, who knew. You live you learn I guess.
New member
Awesome! Atleast you got it fixed and you took care of that wire situation. Good post though, I didn't realize there was room for adjustment on those. I always have just thrown it on there. Guess I got sh#! lucky.
New member
Yea I guess I got the whole rub through situation sorted out but I have no idea what that wire does. I had no problems other than the speedo.