Bought a "ran when parked" 1984 SRV 540. No spark. I've been searching for some specs for testing ignition components, and have seen some variation. 550 ohms from black wire to brown wire on stator. That's really it. Things I've ruled out - all the safety switches - kill switch, tether switch, throttle switch, and ignition switch. All safety switches have been removed, except for the ignition switch. I unplugged the black/white wire, and I have continuity between ground and the wire with the ignition switch off, and no continuity with the switch on. That tells me that circuit is working like it should. Haven't tested the brown wire yet for ohms. But I did test the orange wire going to the ignition coil, and I'm getting roughly 3 volts AC when pulling the motor over. I want to know, what should I be seeing at the orange wire? And what other voltages/resistance readings should I be seeing elsewhere? Thanks.