Ovation 121 conversion.


Jan 30, 2011
To all that had shown interest in previous threads.

I just finished installing a 121 track in my 91 Ovation.
The track and skid are from a 2007 Phazer.
The skid bolts right in without modifications to the mounting brackets. The New generation phazer skids use a mounting arm that is splinned on the rear axl, so all that was needed was to change the angle by moving the arm 2 notches on the spline.
Front mounting axle required quarter inch spacers on the inside of the tunnel.

The track from the Phazer is a 1 inch ripsaw with 2.52 pitch so I installed the appropriate drivers. (Thanks to Lasse for the help identifying which drivers would work)

That's it, it was that easy.

The amount of travel is insane compared to stock and the 121 track grips very nicely.

I will upload pics early next week, but will be unable to get some real seat time until next season since the snow is all gone around here.

Feel free to shoot questions if needed.

What drivers are needed I am thinking of doing simlier with a 87-88 enticer
3wheelerdude said:
To all that had shown interest in previous threads.

I just finished installing a 121" track in my 91 Ovation.

The track is a 1 inch ripsaw with 2.52" pitch so I installed the appropriate drivers.
(Thanks to Lasse for the help identifying which drivers would work)

That's it, it was that easy.

The 121" track grips very nicely.

Feel free to shoot questions if needed.
;)! Sounds really good ! ;)!

00sxrjoe said:
What drivers are needed ?
I am thinking of doing simlier with a 87-88 enticer
My daughter's Ovation has a 136"x15"x1" track and uses 7-Teeth No-Slip drivers.
Link: http://www.wahlracing.com/product.php?productid=19876&cat=276&page=1&click=srclick

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Here it is, has promised :



Keep in mind that this Ovation was in extremely rough shape when I picked it up. I am now working in refurbing the front shocks and fabricating a seat.

The side panels are being sanded and painted.

Questions are welcome.
For those interested, I finished the conversion.

I was aiming at a more sporty look since I dont do any trail riding and mostly ditch bang and ride powder fields all winter.

- The skid and track are from a 2007 Phazer. Fits nicely with little enginering needed. The front shocks were jacked using 1 inch spacers inside the pogos.
Hood needed lots of figerglass, so its now a one peice with the nose cone.
- Seat was molded away, so I used the frame from an old GT racer to build this one.

It ride very nicely, has lots of grip and is much more comfortable on my back, simply from the sitting position.

Put some plastic skis on it and it almost looks like a modern sled! I always thought the Ovation was a neat looking sled. That thing would be a riot with a 485 in it.
