UPGRADES: All Memebers Please Read!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Totallyamaha.net will be going under a major Forum Upgrade over the next few days. Once the board is active let me know if you see any glitches. Also the Sled Garage had to be completely updated so you will have to re enter info in that area for your machine.

I hope everyone enjoys the new version and new look. You will also be able to have Mobile Phone ability.


Another forum I'm on went to this same style... Personally, I can't stand it. I miss the old forum look. Just seems it was so much smoother.

My avatar carried over fine though.
Old site was way easier to use. No quick reply box, I cant tell which sections have new posts without looking at the info on the right, and this one is super bright (slightly color blind and i'm guessing everything is light blue)? Theres no contrast lol!
Old site was way easier to use. No quick reply box, I cant tell which sections have new posts without looking at the info on the right, and this one is super bright (slightly color blind and i'm guessing everything is light blue)? Theres no contrast lol!

The quick box pops up as soon as you click the post, or reply with quote. I am still working on color scheme. As far as the icons for new and old posts... I am still working on improvements.

Remember the old site was improved over many years of usage but it was really out of date and could easily be hacked. We needed to update in order to be able to offer mobile versions and be more secure.

I am actually unhappy that I have not even seen any good responses... only negatives...
Another forum I'm on went to this same style... Personally, I can't stand it. I miss the old forum look. Just seems it was so much smoother.

My avatar carried over fine though.

Whats so bad?? It looks very similar to the old board... if your going to complain I want to know what you dont like... maybe we can make more changes.
Hasn't the 4 stroke side ben like this for a while already? I myself REALLY liked the old set up.....Jury still out for myself. A lot of people jump to "don't like" just because its different.....Change ISNT always a bad thing! I do agreed with the color scheme/contrast harsh on my eyes.
I think it's just the new factor that will take a little getting used to for guys. There appears to be some cool features once it all gets figured out. I think the color contrast will help.
Nice upgrade Tom--- I like the new color sceme... Like anything new it will take a little time for everybody to get used to it.
The more I use it the more I like it. I'm for any upgrades that helps keep the hackers out.
Been playing with the mobile features, seem to work nice. No more zooming in and posts don't fit on screen etc... I use my phone a lot to surf this site and this will b nice.
Been playing with the mobile features, seem to work nice. No more zooming in and posts don't fit on screen etc... I use my phone a lot to surf this site and this will b nice.

Just need to figure out how to get some ads on there...LOL, it helps with site expenses...LOL
I like the new still better already. Does this mean we can go into the 4 stroke side without having to re register?

I just need to reload my avatar.
Adds help for sure! Not sure if its in the works but a new post tab in the mobile section? Or am I missing it. Sites looking good, i like the updated post icons!
