New member
wow, looks perfect. Congrats.
Active member
Nice sled!
Nice looking sled. Hard to find a good clean 2002 SRX.
Active member
Very nice! 

New member
Looks very clean.
New member
Thanks everyone, she is in mint condition (no rips, tears, rust, bent plastics or cracks). Paid a hefty price for her, seeing how she has a stage 2 780 big bore. Paid $4500 CDN for it.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
That thing will eat your 14 Cat for breakfast , lunch & supper.
New member
lol, no doubt, but we all know my Cat isn't made for brute speed, it's calibrated/geared for the powder...but I'm EXCITED nonetheless
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
No doubt. Report back often with updates when you can get-er out and stretch her legs.
New member
Oh I'll definitely report back, with it in my yard and when the snow comes! Oh, and I'm creating a facebok page for all of us that own an SRX, SXR, Viper (older models). Go to a page called Yamaha SRX, SXR & Vipers
Roost 'Er
Very nice, I'm in the same boat you were. Sold my immaculate SRX a few years ago now I feel it's going to take a few years to find one as clean lol.
Who's bigbore is it? Is the DCS still in function? Eager to see how that will work with a big bore.

My bet is the dcs is no longer functional. I couldn't even run pipes and clutching on my 04 viper
And I have to jet really fat to overcome the DCS on long runs.
jet the mains to 01 specs. I am using Torco and I have no issues. It is the fuel quality. Over jetting is just putting a band aid on it because your just cooling the piston crown with the added fuel. I will not open up my sled on a long pull until I have gone through the 1st tank of the year. I learned the hard way a few times.
jet the mains to 01 specs. I am using Torco and I have no issues. It is the fuel quality. Over jetting is just putting a band aid on it because your just cooling the piston crown with the added fuel. I will not open up my sled on a long pull until I have gone through the 1st tank of the year. I learned the hard way a few times.
Gas is pretty good but I can't make it better. 01 specs are way too lean for my riding, at -20c at 300 ft and long runs. I tried smaller but it will blink.
oh wow.. i didnt know you ride when it's that cold Lol Not for me. Preferably in the teens.
I got to make the most out of the season, I can't let -20c stop me. But then again, it will blink sooner if jetted to -7c in the jetting chart instead of -18. Most of the time it is colder than -7. If I rode trails mostly, I surely would jet down, but I use it what it was intended to, river and lake racing. I pushed it to (believe it or not) to 203 km/h (126 mph) on the speedo, all stock, just with clutching and a camoplast 1 inch track.
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New member
lol, -20c is nothing, in Feb. and most of March, we're riding in -40c temps...sometimes the windchills make it -45c to -50c. We enjoy our riding in the Spring, when it's like -20c