Coolant issue I believe and newbie


New member
Sep 29, 2015
Hey guys new to the site. Just picked up an 02 viper with 700 miles on her. Got her running before I bought it but had some old gas in it. Brought it home and found this forum and started going over it and fixing all the bugs. Ski is completely stock. Started by cleaning carbs and airbox and moving needle to #4 with both shims on top. Pulled plugs to change and noticed bottom of #3 mag cylinder plug had light brown gray sludge on it and noticed little to no coolant in bottle. With suck little miles you think I could have a head gasket leak? Also was thinking of changing gasket to opticool one and putting in Evans waterless power sports coolant. How much coolant does the system take? Also if there is anything else I should go over or look at please let me know. Thanks and can't wait for snow to fly!
Not sure on your coolant issue. Not a bad idea to get in there and check things out. Never know exactly what you are getting when you buy a used sled. I have found some pretty weird stuff people have done. A rear heat exchanger from a srx is a good upgrade and also a torque arm from a srx.
Also clean and adjust powervalves. And make sure they are not upside down. Bevel goes down. There is good info in the tech section. And check driveshaft and jackshaft bearings. Everyone says to put the opticool head gasket on along with a base gasket from a srx to help with cooling. I did not do this yet since I already had the oem viper gaskets when I learned of this but I will do it next time I have it apart.
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Thanks drew Yea I need to address the powervalve to. Is the rear heat exchanger just a swap or does it take modification? Also with the torque arm?
I am pretty sure you just drill holes for the heat exchanger. I have mine sitting here just haven't put it on yet. Yes the torque arm is a motor mount. It goes right behind the clutch. If you post in the wanted section there is probably someone that has it complete with the brackets.
Here is a picture of the torque arm on my srx. Then it just has a little bracket that bolts to the back of the motor.

I'm not sure how much coolant I lost but I'm hoping with so little miles that little to no damage was done especially to crank bearings. Going to pull head and see if I can find something with gasket or possibly head not sure. Gotta start somewhere.
I think the issue with the coolant and the crank bearings is it makes them corrode but not totally sure. I haven't experienced that yet and hope I never do. If you get it apart and it looks like it was leaking you might as well take the motor out and split cases and check everything over. Also might as well change seals when you are in there.
Triple Threat - Dont panic just yet.

After reading some of the replies. Wow really. The opening statement suggested a coolant bottle low on coolant. This is a 14 year old sled with very low miles. Somehow the suggestion that the crank may be bad seems very premature. Also removing the engine and changing seals. Take it easy guys admittedly he is new to sledding. Lets take a breath and slow down with the suggestions. Being your from Ohio. One of TY finest SRX/Viper mechanics is from your state. Contact MrViper700 here on this site for expert advice and a preseason inspection if you feel your not up to the task.
No panic here just want to make sure I start looking in the right spot. I live right on lake Erie and work on 2stroke jet skis on the side and am a machinist by day so solving problems is a way of life for me. Just new to this motor and have loved reading all about it so far on this fantastic site.
Not trying to make anybody panic. Just throwing possibilities out there. I feel better being more safe than sorry. Easier to check it out now when there is no snow in the near future rather than have something happen over something that could have easily been prevented. I do agree that the coolant being low doesn't mean it is leaking in the engine. Probably was going to fast though. Sorry for that.
Just to be clear I said "if" he has an internal coolant leak I'd have concerns about crank bearings. I agree it's unlikely but not impossible. I bought a 04 viper that had coolant leaking into the engine. I pulled the top end sucked the coolant out of the bottom. Filled it with oil. Turned it by hand a while and sucked that out. I got five hundred miles or so out of it before it let go. Was it because of the coolant sitting in there coroding the bearings? Cant say for sure. Would I take the same chance again, hell yeah.
