Hey guys I've had my eye out for 02 srx and am wondering about the life expectancy. Are they as reliable as the red head triples? What would you guys consider high miles? Those are my concerns. Thanks for your thoughts.
New member
How much is this sled selling for? What is the mileage on it? Do you have pictures that we can all see? They say that the 2000-2002's are the better year models of the SRX's, especially 2001 and 2002.
New member
A lot has to do with maintenance. There is a lot of srx's out there with a lot of miles on them. How many miles now and how well was it maintained?
Active member
00-02 are pretty much the same thing, same engines but the 02 had the DCS.How much is this sled selling for? What is the mileage on it? Do you have pictures that we can all see? They say that the 2000-2002's are the better year models of the SRX's, especially 2001 and 2002.
I don't have pics but the thing is really clean. 7300 miles. Wants 2300 bucks for it. Power valves all rebuilt. New slides cables etc. I believe the engine is untouched other than that. I understand the difference maintaining anything has on longevity . What I want to know is are there srx's / vipers around with 14 or 15,000 miles on them like some early sx,s I've heard about. If they get that far they've been taken care of. I have an 02 viper that just doesn't keep up with my best buds 700xcr. The viper has about 4200 on it. And I've never owned anything but a yamaha my intire life but never an srx. That just don't seem right...
New member
There are a few guys on here that have 15000 miles or better on their srx's. Here's one. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/threads/98781-98-SRX-vs-05-Mach-Z?highlight=srx+mach

I bought an 02 with a blown motor from a member here but it had well over 10k. They can go a long time properly maintained. You could do a top end on it for cheap money if you wanted and get a bunch more out of it. Maintenance is the key
New member
...again...how much is this SRX and we'd like to see pics of it.
Thanks that's exactly the information I am looking for. And how good does the dcs work? I've read how it functions but how does it perform? Is it worth it to hold out for an 02? Or will I be just as happy on a 00 or 01?

2002srx700 He already said 2300. But yes pics help if available
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Me, I'm just as happy with the other 2. I actually prefer the 2000s. No performance difference. Just prefer the cosmetics
New member
2002srx700 He already said 2300. But yes pics help if available
lol, my bad, for some reason I read every other post/reply, except that one. Wow, that's a nice deal, normally they go for about $3000+

Not here in the states. 2300 is actually a little high to me with those miles but condition would be the key. I'm putting a low mileage motor in the one I picked up and hoping I can get 2000lol, my bad, for some reason I read every other post/reply, except that one. Wow, that's a nice deal, normally they go for about $3000+
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New member
Here is my 2002 SRX 700 (780 Simons Stage II Big Bore), 1800 kms, mint condition...I paid $4500

That's a nice clean sled with upgrades and low mileage.
New member
Oh I know, but every other 2000+ SRX I've seen listed around my neck of the woods, they're $3000+.

I believe it. Prices from Canada to the states have always been higher
Sorry I'm late to this thread, but I had to chime in.
My SRX just went over 15000 miles last year. And the only reason it made it that far is maintenance. Well that and the fact that I'm the original owner since picking it up from the dealer in the fall of 97'. I know every knick and scratch on my sled, I know I've never used anything but Yamalube, I know I've cleaned my carbs every fall, needed or not. I know this sled never ran lean from jetting. It did get hot enough once to throw the light when my thermostat broke during a weekend ride. Other than that, it passed a leak down test at 11,000 miles, and compression has dropped from 125 to 117-119 in the last 17 seasons. Should I rebuild it ??? Definitely, but there's that lazy part of me that just wants to see how far it'll go.
My break in period was none. I had 60 miles on this sled before it even snowed that first year. This was a big deal sled back then and everyone wanted to race in the grass and I was more than happy to show off Yamaha's new technology lol. I have to laugh because of what Yamaha put on this sled for a stock track was a little lacking to say the least. Studs were mandatory.
Now, back to your sled, there's no way for you to know the life story on this sled. One season with dirty carbs or bad gas, or accidentally running out of oil, or bad exhaust doughnuts can shorten life expectancy dramatically. All you can go by is the shape of the sled, and if you trust the owners stories.
My SRX just went over 15000 miles last year. And the only reason it made it that far is maintenance. Well that and the fact that I'm the original owner since picking it up from the dealer in the fall of 97'. I know every knick and scratch on my sled, I know I've never used anything but Yamalube, I know I've cleaned my carbs every fall, needed or not. I know this sled never ran lean from jetting. It did get hot enough once to throw the light when my thermostat broke during a weekend ride. Other than that, it passed a leak down test at 11,000 miles, and compression has dropped from 125 to 117-119 in the last 17 seasons. Should I rebuild it ??? Definitely, but there's that lazy part of me that just wants to see how far it'll go.
My break in period was none. I had 60 miles on this sled before it even snowed that first year. This was a big deal sled back then and everyone wanted to race in the grass and I was more than happy to show off Yamaha's new technology lol. I have to laugh because of what Yamaha put on this sled for a stock track was a little lacking to say the least. Studs were mandatory.
Now, back to your sled, there's no way for you to know the life story on this sled. One season with dirty carbs or bad gas, or accidentally running out of oil, or bad exhaust doughnuts can shorten life expectancy dramatically. All you can go by is the shape of the sled, and if you trust the owners stories.
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Thanks for the input ssrrxx. And everyone else too. At least now I know if its been taken care of it should be good to go awhile yet. I would rather have one with half the miles regardless but I don't see that many 02's come up for sale. So what would be a decent price on a good clean 02 srx with 7300 miles on it be? Nice like 2002srx700 has but mostly stock.
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Right now $1.00 US is about $1.35 CDN. Plus like Staggs says they are worth more here in Canada. Mint could get you $4500.00 CDN. for a 15 year old SRX or Viper and I have seen them go higher. I hope that isnt a bottle of lube beside that pretty SRX