Custom exciter W/vmax4 motor

The blue tube you see is the radiator support not the front frame tube. The front frame tube is under the exhaust pipes. I can see the bulkhead is aluminum and the chaincase is Vmax-4.

The other pic has a sticker with a serial # that would be from an XT Vmax. There should be a stamped in serial # on the right side of the tunnel that is the original tunnel serial #. Yamaha didn't use stickers for serial #'s. That one doesn't look right.

The Vmax 5/600 and all Vmax-4's had a 16" wide tunnel. It would also be possible to install a 5/600 tunnel onto a Vmax-4 bulkhead and have a Vmax-4 with 5/600 serial #.

No matter what you have going on there it is not anything special. An XT with a Vmax-4 engine would be pointless and a Vmax-4 in that condition is not worth a bunch.

nate its painted corvette blue. but you can see on the bottom of the running boards that it was originally a different blue. almost tealish and its more metallic. Im not buying this because its something special. I want to buy it because of what the motor is and its going to be my lake sled and purpose my indy as a trail/ rough riding sled. Plus it might be faster than nates srx and viper he has now.
It would seem pointless to do that swap and would probably be very difficult to do. It's still worth something because of the motor(especially if it's 800) and the pipes.
