"Replace plugs as a set", any thruth to this?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
I once heard that on an SRX the plugs should be replaced as a set. Is there any thruth to this? I looked and I have two br9ecs plugs with a solid cap (terminal?) and one with a screw on. Should I replace them so all are the same? The sled runs just fine, idles just fine and performance is just fine. Should I get new plugs anyway?

If they get stuck in the cap, I just replace the cap. Is there a way to get them out without enlarging the "clamp" inside the cap?
ya you should be able to screw them back to grab it out , just make sure that one is tight on plug, you will be fine. 3:16x (yammie tony)
On the screw cap plug you can squeeze it down the base with it off then thread it back on. Squish it just enough to make it oval then it will have a little friction on the threads to stay put. I don't buy thread on plugs for that reason anymore. I had 1 plug foul last winter (I think it was caused by a dirty tors switch engaging all the time) and I replaced just that one. When I pulled them in the spring to fog it you couldn't tell it had less time on it, they all looked the same.
thats a old school design the screw in plug tips. i think ngk changed that, great idea. no more getting stuck in caps. 3:16x (yammie tony)
This is the design flaw of the e3 plugs i was talking about. The little cap is held on by literally 1.5 threads. All 3 of mine stripped off and got stuck in caps. I jbwelded them on to get home.
Oh and i change all 3 at a time because ocd or something kicks in when 2 plugs are corroded and one is shiney. I just keep the others as spares.
Right on! Ive never fouled a plug just change them for somthing to do when i tell the wife im in the garage working on sleds drinking beer!!
Haha same here. I have a big container full of perfectly good usable plugs...but they are dirty...

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