slp piped viper?


Lifetime Member
Nov 2, 2007
st paul
What kind of fuel mileage improvement can I expect by jetting for temp? Not a real concern as I know I will never get good mileage but it was 25f and I didnt change anything as far as jetting (162.5 mains 47.5 pilot #4 both under clip) rode in -10 with same jetting with one light flash under hard acceleration.
We rode fields hard running around 70 and up first gas station 36 miles added 6 gallons, that tank after 50 miles the light came on. again mileage is not my major concern just asking if I can expect a noticeable change by placing one shim on top when riding above say 20f?
mrviper700 trail ported as well. I use ethanol free 91 octane and half a bottle of nos octane booster.

well.... its a piped viper, you gotta feed it to play with it. it comes down to how hard your riding it, the more wide open the more gas it drinks plain and simple. You wont find much of a mileage increase in the the needle shim only, and its certainly cheaper to buy gas then it is to replace pistons. 9-10mpg on groomed trails is it with a piped viper. its less if your busting trail and riding in deep stuff with more throttle. With only running 91 octane and booster I would stay on the rich side, if you were running 93-94 octane and booster you might get it to live fine with needles at 3.5 instead of 4, but as stated before gas is cheaper then pistons and cylinders and crankshafts!
Yeah I'm okay with that and figured as much just asking as it was lower than last year but we ran hard the whole day. Thanks.
I ride mostly powder with as much hill climbing as possible and get a flat 6mph with mine. This is with only cold air from the dash through SLP flo-rites, jetted with 156.3 mains, 3.0 needle setting, and 45 pilots with fuel screws 2-1/2 turns out.
