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I need the inner o ring head gasket from a ski doo 9500 for my 780. I have found gasket kits for them but I would have to buy 2 kits just to get three o rings. Anyone know where I could find them individually. All the doo parts websites only go back to 1996. I haven't called a dealership yet.
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drew, are you using a special head ? my 780 uses stk o-rings. 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
I talked to aaen and he told me they welded the o ring groove and machined it so it wasn't as close to the edge. I measured it and it was a little bigger than stock. A stock o ring will not fit. It is slightly too small.drew, are you using a special head ? my 780 uses stk o-rings. 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
Does anyone know what material the o ring is on stock srx? The aftermarket o rings are black so I am guessing they are a different material. I found these that will fit but don't know if they are the same as the aftermarket and if they will hold up. http://www.mcmaster.com/#9262k713/=11kb0uo
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Max temperature is too low. Start looking for VITON "O" rings.Does anyone know what material the o ring is on stock srx? The aftermarket o rings are black so I am guessing they are a different material. I found these that will fit but don't know if they are the same as the aftermarket and if they will hold up. http://www.mcmaster.com/#9262k713/=11kb0uo
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If you can, find a manufacturer of o-rings/gaskets and have them made. Take cylinder and head with you, no big deal.
New member
Ok. Thanks guys. Not sure which way I am going to go yet. Might just buy the gasket kits if I can't find them individually. Better safe than sorry. It would cost a lot more than the 2 gasket kits to have a cylinder made if something happened. I have a stock oring over something a little bigger now to see if I can get it to stretch just a bit. Doesn't need much as it is close right now.
might want to try some of the industrial engine re-builders as they might have one that works for a desil liner if it does not work.
Active member
stk o rings fit like a glove on my 780. don,t know. i guess it all depends on kit. 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
I ordered the ski doo top end gasket kit. I just got one kit for now till I confirm it is the right o ring.
New member
stk o rings fit like a glove on my 780. don,t know. i guess it all depends on kit. 3:16x (yammie tony)
Yes, aaen told me that is how I would be able to confirm it was his kit so I think he is the only one that did that. Not a big deal. Just glad I caught it before I put it together.
New member
Ski-doo part # 420831792 is the right o-ring for the head gasket on the aaen 780 srx kit. Just in case anyone ever has the same kit and needs the head gaskets maybe they will find this.