Any rumors for 2005 sleds

I'm on the way just need to get the Bender Big bore and noone will be able to touch me. It's almost that way now. I raced a freind Sat with alot of money in his RX and it wasn't even a race. Here kitty kitty :lol:
Heck I wish Yamaha would take the rx-1 or worrior and put fuel injection on it and a pull start just in case the battery went dead or the starter blew so I could still start it. Thats the only thing I'm waiting on before I buy one!

I was spinning cookies in the mountains, and of course the last one I did, when the guys were watching, I fell off and got the hawg stuck while sideways. We got it upright, but I was VERY NERVOUS about getting it restarted, it cranked over for what seemed forever, and I thought I was going to run out of battery. I am thinking after all the lightweight work gets done, I might throw on a gas rack and a 1100 cca battery. :lol:
I really dont want to tow a rx out of the mountains because no one has booster cables or a battery. These things flood way too easy.
KBX I rented the rx mtn last year out west and when heading straight down hill it flooded out everytime. When you say yours floods easily is it still a problem or do you have last years model?

my worst problem, was when the sled laid over. If I was sitting nose up or down at all, it was a pain to start, definatley had to hold some throttle open. Mine never had any trouble while running or idling, just when I shut it off then tried to restart, or whiped out spinning cookies. Buy one, they are good, just need to find someone that can help you set it up, preferably on the hill.
Over on in the general forum they're discussing the same thing. A
guy saw a couple of covered Yamaha RX somethings on a trailer, one with
a 2 up seat and the other a whole new rear suspension. The riders would
not answer any questions about the sleds except to say by the end of
January we all should know. Yamaha's big dealer meeting is in early Feb.
so in about a month we'll know if new models are fact or BS. :roll:

my dealer is guessing a new 600cc 4 stroke, an 800cc twin 4 stroke, and he's heard from some dealer friends of his about something thats supposed to weigh 425 lbs, Lets pray for that.
There was some rumbings in the latest sno-tech mag about a 05 light weight mountain sled, no motor size listed. YAMAHA--READ THIS-- Either put up or say good-bye to a loyal customer for the last 15 years!! A SKIDOO Rev chassised 800 159 or 151 x 16 is starting to look real good RIGHT NOW! My ink pen is getting real close to my checkbook! Get the picture???
