My dad just picked up a 1998 SRX mountain 700. About 1800 miles, Aaen pipes, reverse, tunnel extension 151 track. overall in good shape. While test driving the outside plug fouled but on a quick change it ran fine. Got it home started it up and fouled again...same cylinder which was the outside (non clutch side) I have read that these sleds can be finicky when started. That being said would the plug fouling not be across the board and just not one cylinder? Could it be a bad coil or plug wire? We did not have a compression tester when we bought it (I know its risky) but it has low miles so didn't think it would be an issue. So we will do a compression test tomorrow. But if anyone has any feedback on what to troubleshoot it would be nice to know. Thanks
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check carbs before you do anything 3:16x (yammie tony)
Active member
Could also be a plug cap
New member
x2 on what both these guys said. Probably one of the two things.
the 98 from factory was using br10es plugs.thay are too cold. go with the br9es.
oh sorry i for got you had the aaen pipes!!.
likely a plug cap. You can switch the wires around and see if it fouls a different cylinder to check easily. You can also ohm them out and see if they meet the spec. I have changed a lot of those over the years, common issue. All the plugs fire at the same time so theres no firing order on the 98-99 srx so you can move the wires to any order, easy to diagnose the problem.
Active member
if the plug cap checks out, pull those carbs and go right through them . you will need to go past needle and seats to a small carb o-ring that dries out and leaks buy over time causing flooding. 3:16x (yammie tony)
thanks guys..hoping its a wire. the boot was quite a bit looser on the fouled plug than the other two. Not sure if this would cause it or not?
well the prognosis does not look good...tried different plugs...different plug wire and then did a compression test...80 in the trouble cylinder and 90 in the other guessing the topend is on its last legs and maybe on it way out...2433 canadian km on the sled!!!! so much for getting 10000 miles before a rebuild. anyone want any parts? everything outside of engine is near mint....
guess we shoulda done a compression test before purchase but with the low miles didnt think we needed to. hard lesson learned...
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
You did not mention about changing plug caps. I'm just a bit skeptical.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Before you do something rash, do yourself a favor and change those plug caps w/ new TB05EMAs or TB05EMs.
Active member
oh boy. rebuild. 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
Is your compression tester reliable? Used it on anything else recently to verify it's reading properly?
well I think so. We had two testers and both were in the same ball park. Maybe we did it wrong...3 hard pulls? motor was cold.
New member
New member
My compression is 90/100/100. Not far off from yours. If your gauge is a little off your compression might be okay
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I think the reason for designing it with lower compression on the pto side is because it is the furthest away from the coolant line, it prevents overheating of that cylinder.
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