1994 vmax 600


New member
Dec 1, 2016
I picked up a 94 vmax 600 a couple years ago. It had only 200km on it and was part of a separation situation. long story short, it runs so rich that its irritating and fouls up quick in low to mid range. If I run it 3/4 and full, it cleans up and is OK.
Everything is as it was when new and I've had it looked at by a dealer but he said they used to run rich. I guess there was a service bulletin that saw them change the headgasket to a thicker one? It apparently has that but I wonder if it would be better off with a thinner one!!!
Has anyone experienced this with their 600's? done any jetting, exchanged parts to improve performance?
I can re-jet and change needle height (im not a jetting virgin) but I wouldn't mind hearing of others experiences and success/failures.
much appreciated!

I had it to a friend that was a yami mechanic and he said that the dealer could look up what had been done . . . and it got all the fixes.
I'm very good with carbs and have looked these babies over extremely critically- and rebuilt them first thing. I know the 94's were heavy on the oil and you could send off the pumps and have them re-calibrated but this is definitely fuel. It's like there was something wrong with the carbs from the factory. I don't want to start jetting back and run the risk of squeaking it when I let off as I come off the lake. Such a shame too, it looks like it's never left the showroom floor but it's such a pain in the *** to drive. It's either blubbering from idle to 1/2 throttle or screaming along once it cleans out at 3/4 to wide open. It idles OK but starts to build up if let to idle too long.
Thanks re: plug caps. It's worth a try. I rode it for 2 1/2 hours and it burned almost an entire tank of fuel. Mind you, I was on and off the bar almost the entire way (which would make you think it was stuck chokes but I did check the plug color and both sides were equally as bad). I'll change the caps and see how it goes.
ya what I did to mine way back when was drop the needles 1 clip position . was gonna drop the mains but instead I put on a set of psi pipes. Really made a big difference.
