Kill switch replacement?

Viper S

VIP Member
Feb 21, 2008
Picked up a nice 2000 Phazer that needs a few updates, one being a kill switch that needs replacing. Can this be done without removing the handgrip and taking the assembly apart? Seems like the handgrip removal will be not only be a lot of time but $. Anyone have any experience with this?
Got some nice base snow here in Central Maine highlands and temps now getting cooler!
Seasons Greetings!

This suggestion doesn't solve the problem, gotta get inside the housing to see what's not working... Any other suggestions, the switch just won't pop up when pushed down...?
... Any other suggestions, the switch just won't pop up when pushed down...?

I don't have a 2000 Phazer but if it's like any of the liquid cooled trailing arm Yamaha's of that era, you push the switch down to shut off the engine, and then you pull the switch up when you want to start the engine.
Sounds to me like you want to remove the switch from the throttle block assembly so you can have it in your hands to look at it.

There are 2 teeny, tiny screws that hold it in the throttle block assembly.

A small phillips head screwdriver will get them out, then you can pull the kill switch out and unplug it and do whatever you want to it after that
