70's yamaha 440 question

Mountain SXr

New member
Jan 15, 2004
Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada
Quick question,

Someone was trying to explain a sled they had to me. Said it was a 440cc sled with an automatic transmission? He also said it was the one of the first to move from boggie wheels to slides.

What sled could this be, and does anyone have a pic?

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sounds to me like a '76 Prestige or (maybe) even a late model '75 TW443.
neat sleds with the hydralic drives.
I own a '76 Prestige w/ just over 600 original miles; '75 EW433 and a '74 TW433 all hydralic drives
hope this helps
I only have a pic of my '75 here on my work computer. The '76 prestige looks like this gp440 but has additional hood vents for the torque converter cooling


  • 1976_Yamaha_GP_440.jpeg
    14.9 KB · Views: 349
  • '75 ew433 one.JPG
    '75 ew433 one.JPG
    78.6 KB · Views: 27
  • '75 ew433 two.JPG
    '75 ew433 two.JPG
    81.4 KB · Views: 37
When I was younger my friend had a sled that looked pretty close to that 433, I am pretty sure his sled had some kind of shifter lever?? I thought he said it was a LOW/HIGH selector??? Maybe it was reverse?? Any clue???
more than anything the lever you are talking about was the high/low selector. I have a '73 gp433 with the high/low. the hydraulic drive sleds have a high/neutral/low range lever
74' tw733

value: what ever you can get for it!!!!
I've bought a '76 unrestored Prestige w/ under original 600 miles $600
Paid $400 for the '75 EW433 pictured above unrestored and in very nice shape

Hi everyone.
I have had a 74 TL433F since new and have since acquired
a few 72 EW643 , 2 73 EW643 , 2 75 TL433G , 74 TW433F
and a few 77 PR440 Prestige ...still looking for a 76 Prestige.
Live near Toronto Ont. Canada.
some pics are posted in the ....www.acscc.com ..site gallery
I dont have a 75 sales book and was unaware of a 75 ew433
with hyd drive ....looks identical to my 74 TW433 and 74 literature.
I would be interested in knowing more about it .
I just recently found this site and have not been checking regularly.
but do use the forum from the antique and classic snowmobile
club of canada "acscc" regularly ..montynormand seems to have a
Yamha collection of all sorts . I have many spare fluid units as the
road salt rusted the frame from most in this area ...
Thanks ..... Ron Dike
ps I paid 400 US for the TW433f ...a great deal for me from Vermont
76 Prestige

I guess I need to know more about it ...Looking for good hood ,a chassis
not rusted out , compression ?,sides not pushed in ,,.runs ?..etc
It's along way from Mt Albert Ont. possible to get some pics?
might bring back a couple ? or have shipped ?
If acceptable , would send money know and p/u later if OK ... Some of my spares will fit from TL's ,,but need good hood and
decals and dog house over engine.
Going to sled show in Peterborough On, this wkd ..
any sleds you need from here ?
Ron, the casis on this one is sound. The hood is a little rough, one of the kids used it to stop a runaway tree a few years ago. It's salvagable, I did a little work to it as a temp fix a couple years ago, but it wouldn't hurt it any to do it correctly. Otherwise it ran like a top, but I havn't used it for last two winters. With some TLC it would be a nice little sled again. I just don't have the time or a good reason to start making it a user agian. Send me an email address and I'll get you some pics of it and we can maybe work something out. This one might be rougher than your looking for though, but it doesn't hurt to look.
Rare ?

when we got the 74 TL433 , it seemed like we had the only one ....
but since then , as you see , I have collected a few more ..the 74 had
15" track , single sprocket/window drive and double sliders and centre
fuel tank ...it wasn't good in low snow conditions , the sliders would
glue them selves to the track until you slid off the road and kicked some
snow in to cool them off . Eventually the track bars failed and I stuffed
a 75 track and susp under it ,and it still pulls my groomer each winter .
Ryan ,,I sent you an email ,,I think ...let me know if you didn't get it .
....I have only found one other 74 TL ,but the young fellow that owns
it isn't ready to part with it ..(yet).I helped him out with a drive sprocket
as it spit it out the orig. ,the first ride he tried it .
......thanks .....Ron


I'm still following this post. I'm actually only finally going to check the sled out. Does anyone have any more pictures of the different models? Just want as much information as possible before I go look. The information already posted is great, thanks!

I have a 76' prestige I may sell. I'll post some pics when I get home tonight. Its pretty clean an still runs great. My dad rode it on the trails up till last year when he upgraded. If I remember there are absolutely no cracks in the hood. The sled sounds pretty neat, the drive system makes kind of a "whirl" sound.
hello ejcamaro and jon ...left email for jon and some of my sleds are in the photo gallery on www.acscc.com ..ej ..Im interested in your 76 prestige and ryans ....makes
a trip that far worth while (holiday?)..as I told ryan ..because of winter . I might pay
now and pu later ....alot of diff weather between Toronto and Wis....I would be picking
the days from the forcasts.....thanks for replying.....Ron
used quick reply...spaces it out diff ..
hello ejcamaro and jon ...left email for jon and some of my sleds are in the photo gallery on www.acscc.com ..ej ..Im interested in your 76 prestige and ryans ....makes
a trip that far worth while (holiday?)..as I told ryan ..because of winter . I might pay
now and pu later ....alot of diff weather between Toronto and Wis....I would be picking
the days from the forcasts.....thanks for replying.....Ron
used quick reply...spaces it out diff ..

Ron, Let me know if ever you go to WI. Maybe you could pick up more than one sled. I'm always in Toronto in the summer......

