Vmax4 squish

I dont know anyone running a 10,200 rpm motor like that so Im not sure if its going to work.
I use piggy back CDI on one and RPC CDI with 10200 chip in another. Some run MSD, all are 180 fire.

When you say you keyed it, keep in mind Vmax 4 spin backwards.
Yes thanks, the key is properly advancing rather than retarded the timing. As I understand with a factory 800 CDI, they will run at 10,200 while the 750 will not.
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Well this has been the toughest sled for me to get working properly but I'm finally getting close (I think). On advice, I ended up cutting the spider to increase the engagement to over 7000rpm. I was not comfortable with this for a few reasons, but I was out of options. I took the spider to a local machine shop and had .070" removed off the inside face, taking engagement from 5500 to 7000. I have bypassed the lazy range (bog) and now it has zero hesitation off the line.

The results have been very positive so far. I still have some fine tuning to finish with the clutching, but it's getting better all the time. Hopefully we get our snow back soon to get racing again. Thanks for all your suggestions along the way!
woody, glad to see it is finally coming together. if you needed a 7000 engagement to get this sled to launch clean off the line, my guess it has something to do with the way your pipes are cut to reach their powerband. 3:16 (yammie tony)
