When tensioning my chain, the book says "until finger tight". How tight is finger tight? All I can do with my fingers?
VIP Member
Yes, all you can do with your fingers.
Active member
tighten with your fingers until snug and then back 1/8 - 1/4 of a turn. you are only trying to take the slack out of the chain.
I didn't know you have to use locktite on the bolt that holds the lower gear? It worked it's way through the chaincase cover.
Active member
yup, hit it with brake cleaner and then a dab of red locktite. it is not reverse threaded so every time you stab the throttle it is trying to loosen itself due to newtons first law
How long do I have to leave it for before using the sled? Do I have to dry out the threaded hole it goes into?
New member
Both bolt and threaded hole need to me cleaned of any oil with brake cleaner and then let to dry before installing the bolt with locktight. Don't use red stuff it's too hardcore, blue ( removable) is plenty. Also locktight does require a few hours to cure before being put into service and in cold weather like freezing or below the locktight may never set. So warming things up will help the curing process.
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