Anyone ever see this from a grade 8 powervalve?


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
So I replaced a powervalve a couple years ago with a stainless steel machined valve...noticed couple days ago that machine was lacking on top end...pulled all three and found pto pulled through(which was stock) and middle was the machined valve with stainless bolt...the bolt threads stripped out of the tapped valve! Unreal..everything was adjusted with the 2.5mm Allen's spacer. Has my servo motor gone bad? Anyone make or sell powervalves?0131182254-1.jpg

I had the same thing happen to mine. The valve is made of aluminum and the bolt was made of steel, over time the cycling stretched out the threads and eventually pulled through. This was thought to be the fix for the pull through issues. Happened to me 6 years ago, put factory ones in and adjusted properly and haven't had a problem since.
More than likely what happened was the stainless and aluminum was expanding and contracting differently with heat and caused the bolt to loosen just enough that it started working the threads and eventually wore the aluminum threads.
