Hey guys i got a goofy one going on here when i start up i get 2 blinks then nothing... runs great! power valves are adjusted properly nothing is sticking and servo does its clean on start up, i know its supposed to be 3 blinks, 2 blinks is grip warmer short i changed a hand grip on it last year but even before this it only blinked twice. hot grips work like they should no rub through in the wiring and plugged in like necessary, and the machine runs like it should any clue why it only blinks twice? is this a 2000 thing?
Active member
nick try changing the bulb. see if that dose anything 3:16x (yammie tony)
At start up my 2000 blinks twice, my 2002 blinks 3 times. All is well, no issues. Might be a 2000 thing...
my 2000 also blinks twice and my 01 blinked 3
Active member
yes, very good guys. mine too. 3:16x (yammie tony)
Active member
I get 2 blinks out of my 2000.
excellent it is correct then i was going to say she runs just fine! lol
Active member
and its about to run better 3:16x (yammie tony)
very excited spring spring is supposed to be in on Thursday!
very excited spring spring is supposed to be in on Thursday!
i take it tony gave you his 8bu-10 set up
no got a different helix and spring for the secondary and beefing up the primary spring stock weights still .
New member
I have had issues with variable resistors causing light to blink. It is supposed to blink once for this fault and repeat . it is possible this is what you are seeing. The variable resistor is open at the back and I sprayed some contact cleaner and compressed air in to it to clean it and no more code