Years with Yamaha SXViper

sx viper

Jan 22, 2011
i decided to make a threat of my sled. I'm going to post some mods which i have done over years.
First some pics, everything started with totally stock sled

After little riding i started to make some little jumps and after that i broke my running board cooler. I welded cooler and then i installed some tunnel stiffeners.


Sled was back on track.

Well got problems with uploading images, when using url it says invalid file and when loading from computer it says upload of file failed. Need to figure out so i can post more.
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The sled did not withstand the jumps, so the running board cooler broke down again... I welded cooler and then i cut brackets a little bit so they can not rub cooler. Coolers are lasted until today! It was good mod.



After that i need to replace chassic wheels, also add one more wheel. It was diy fourth wheel kit.

Fourth wheel.jpg

Installed new 8 tooth drivers, because track started to jump over. At same time i removed two tooth from speedometer sensor.


Had to use patent to install them...

Exhaust manifold also cracked and sled started "whistling", need to weld it. After weld i put some heat paint over it, but it didn't last.

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I noticed that when front shocks bottom, hit goes straight to bulkhead. That is reason why i started to design long travel front end. I got re-valved front shock couple times, but need to figure out something more.
I started design wide front end.

Pictures of first generation front end. I couldn't find any measurements so i tried to design it...





Designed new diy windshield and cut it on the polycarbonate plate.


Assembled wide front end and did some test ride with it. Notice headlight film.



Front end worked ok, it was time to make shock brackets for longer shocks.

shock brackets.jpg

Lowered trailing arm shock mounting a little.

lowered mount.jpg

Painted everything before assembly.
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Well, first generation worked well a while, but then happened a little crash... Driver becomes a passenger and sled went to really bad shape.




Trailing arm, radius rods, shock and shock mount bend, frame bend, hood cracked and sidepanel tear. First i thought that i do not fix it, but i still wanted to ride with triple yami...



I straightened body and added some rst reinforcement. Bought new aftermarket trailing arm, new front shocks (new fox floats), used sidepanel and control rod, straightened shock mounting and make new wider radius rods from aluminium.


And then viper was back on track :sled1: Notice those new radius rods, those works better than first mod, but i still have problems with bumb steering, because i don't have rak-steering mod. Front end is now about 44" wide.

Feel free to comment!
More updates coming, maybe something special :bling:
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Some updates for this season. First ride of the season wasn't succes. I crashed again... This time only shock mount bolt failed.


Here is video, but there nothing special on trail ride.

Then i found some triple pipes on this forum and bought them.

Here you can difference between hauck bigbore pipes manifold and speedwerx pipes manifolds. Lot of better design on speedwerx.


Also installed custom engine mount, made from icehockey :D Same time adjusted a little my diy torque arm.


And opticool headgasget ofc


Rear cooler and running board protective tube assembled

rear cooler.jpg

Ya know that the third crash is a charm.
Hahah :D

Well, speed corrects errors so it was time to get more power to this beast.
Those speedwerx triples fit pretty good with reverse. I need to relocate battery, because pipes take a lot of space.

Changed weighs to 8dn if i remember right, stock clutch sping with shim. Secondary spring also changed, but i have no idea what it is, all marks are gone.
Changed mainjets to 165, i have to change pilotjets, but it is hard to get them so i'm still waiting my order..
First test ride wasn't succes, sled bogs with full throtle. I have to figure out why...
But couple pics, because pictures are nice.


It is pretty tight, but it fits.

And something special, can you guess? 8)

Steering related bushing??

Nope, those are bushing for shocks. For stock front shock and others to fox float. I have seen couple pics of fox float mod to pro-action, but i don't know how they create mounting.
That's why i decided to make some special bushing.

float rear skid.jpg

Everything started here


And here is outcome, with some billet wheels

fox float mod.jpg

I have no idea how much i have to use pressure on that float shock, but it will become clear by testing.
I think that there is different shimming on that rear skid fox float because, shock is much more sensitive on high pressures vers front floats.

Some update for this tread.
Last winter sled worked pretty well, i went to one hill race. I was third with old Yamaha, it was funny. I was beaten by 1100cc turbo arcticcat and 850 skidoo or lynx, can't remember.
Jetting is little bit lean so i have to check it before winter.

Always have to do something new for every season, so i bought a box full sh*t... Ofc everything is broken or modded...
Some pictures:Bigbore_motor.jpg Notice those cylinders, two 73mm and one in the middle is 74mm... and steel plated...
hauck73broken.jpg Here is reason why someone changed that cylinder
shit.jpg 74mm stick cut
ruined.jpg Something what i have to do new, can't save those anymore, can anyone guess who made them originally?
blasted parts.jpg But let's start with the easiest parts
It it hard to find time to build, sled locates 300km away so i don't have time on a week to build it.

But litte progress, modded airbox for tmx 38mm. I'm going to put silicone hose between carburetor and airbox.
airbox mod.jpg

Started to make new silencers, let's see what can i do :dunno:
new silencers.jpg
