'07 M-series skid or stay with 05 Pro Mountain skid?


New member
Dec 23, 2014
I've been contemplating this swap and wondering if maybe just getting some lighter aluminum bodied shocks and extensions to go from my 151 track to probably a 162 would be just as good? I believe the M-series skids are significantly lighter but I could be mistaken. Maybe get some different rails and shocks for my skid?
m series 153 skid we just mounted in my brothers sled was 27 lbs lighter than the 141 pro-action we removed. I think it was 45lbs total. That was a 2010 model with floats. I don't know what a pro mountain weighs.

We did the 153 mounted in stock front hole and used one of the factory holes on the rear bracket, then used a 162 track and some antistabs. Dropped over 20lbs while gaining 21 inches of track.

btw if you need a longer tunnel extension for what you are doing I have an extra new one.
