One sledders trash is another ones trouble

Some of the trouble:

IMG_20180827_173122.jpg Seized piston needed a little persuasion.

IMG_20180901_231751.jpg Con rod bearing has seen better days. Explains that knocking sound.

IMG_20180901_135047.jpg Crank and rods are good. Just need new bearings and thrust washers.

IMG_20180901_135047.jpg Never trued a crank before but I guess I'm gonna have to learn.

IMG_20180829_203116.jpg Airbox needed gutting for the Vmax 600 carbs to be of any use.

IMG_20180913_215934.jpg Lot's if paint stripping

IMG_20180915_171028.jpg Cans are done and 1-1/4" track is in. Need to decide whether to shorten the sway bar or lengthen the torque arms to work with the longer steering arms and struts.
Question for anyone who has done the flatslide carb conversion. Did you leave the lower baffle tube in place when you gutted the airbox or does it need to be removed or modified as well? Any advice would be appreciated.
Wanted to keep the rear of the sled looking as original Phazerish as possible with the 136" extension. Decided to try infilling with some additional grips for the powder.IMG_20190115_222016.jpg
