Recently got a 2000 sx500r and have had cooling issues. Replaced a bad heat exchanger and now I have come to find out that there is no thermostat in the housing. I have looked all over the internet on parts sites and they all show the thermostat housing but none show a thermostat. Can someone explain this?
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
What cooling issues?
There is not a thermostat.
There is not a thermostat.
Was the head gasket replaced or removed and replaced recently?

Super Moderator
did u bleed system good?
Not getting coolant through the upper hose and temp light came on. What is the proper procedure to bleed the system?
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
What did your search come up with?
I'm not familiar with a sx500, but sleds have to be bled or they'll never get the air out of the system. A lot of sleds have a bleeder in the back end somewhere. Running the sled with the bleeder at the highest point in the system will usually get all the air out. I had an exciter that I actually had to ride a bit to build up pressure before I could get it to bleed all the air out. The bleeders were on the back of the tunnel under the seat, so I had to ride it around with no seat and build pressure, then stop somewhere that put the nose of the sled lower than the back, open the bleeders for a bit with sled still running, add coolant again, ride more, etc., etc. Finally got it bled out that way. Do a search to find the procedure for your sled.
Unfortunately it is ridiculously hard to find any information about things like that with this sled. There's not much on the internet about them. It can be very annoying when there are issues like this
I would put the back end up in the air, keep slowly filing it until full while running it. Once full, put cap on, and loosen rear bleeder till coolant comes out and repeat.
My buddy had a 2001 SXR 500, we did a thin head gasket mod to it last year, started blowing coolant out every 1/2 mile or so.
We would stop, let it cool, bleed it, go again. Would still keep blowing coolant out the overflow.
Went back to a regular thickness gasket, still happened.
There were several different heads used for the 500, and 2 to 3 different gaskets.
Eventually he fixed it, but I believe he had the wrong head gasket or had it installed wrong.
My buddy had a 2001 SXR 500, we did a thin head gasket mod to it last year, started blowing coolant out every 1/2 mile or so.
We would stop, let it cool, bleed it, go again. Would still keep blowing coolant out the overflow.
Went back to a regular thickness gasket, still happened.
There were several different heads used for the 500, and 2 to 3 different gaskets.
Eventually he fixed it, but I believe he had the wrong head gasket or had it installed wrong.
Unfortunately it is ridiculously hard to find any information about things like that with this sled. There's not much on the internet about them. It can be very annoying when there are issues like this
your sled is basically the same as a 500 vmax twin, if that helps to find info. i believe there is a air bleeder for the cooling system under the rear part of the seat. also the TY tech section has all the factory specs.
that is why ty exists. never had the thermostat housing apart on my 01 sx500r but i did add an srx rear heat exchanger to it as it was running hot and probably still have the cross over pipe in the garage at home.
I will look for a bleeder under the seat and see what I can come up with
Found the bleeder in the rear. Jacked the rear end up and removed bleeder. Ran it til it was good and warm and ended up having temp light come on. Upper hose still never got any coolant going through it. Also made sure to fill reservoir and upper hose. Any ideas? Water pump not working?
You stuck your finger in the hole and felt the belt?
Did you get coolant out of the rear bleeder ?
You have to keep filling that top hose till it wont take anymore while its running.
I always run the rpms up a bit to 2500 or 3000 while doing it as well. It makes it pump faster.
Did you get coolant out of the rear bleeder ?
You have to keep filling that top hose till it wont take anymore while its running.
I always run the rpms up a bit to 2500 or 3000 while doing it as well. It makes it pump faster.
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Didn't get anything out of the rear bleeder. Had the cap off the upper hose a bit but it was splashing coolant out of the hose. Not sure I'd be able to keep dumping coolant in there with it running without getting half of it all over the motor
Did you check the belt???
If the belt is still there, you have air in your system.
If you have air in your system, when you didn’t before, something has changed to cause this.
My guess is you still don’t have the system bled properly and need to keep forcing coolant in, squeezing the pipe, reving motor, try lifting and lowering rear end to different heights. Can be tough to get done. You will know when it’s bled right, as you will get coolant coming out the rear bleeder.
If the belt is still there, you have air in your system.
If you have air in your system, when you didn’t before, something has changed to cause this.
My guess is you still don’t have the system bled properly and need to keep forcing coolant in, squeezing the pipe, reving motor, try lifting and lowering rear end to different heights. Can be tough to get done. You will know when it’s bled right, as you will get coolant coming out the rear bleeder.
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The belt is definitely good. I will try getting more coolant dumped in it. Just tough with all the motor vibration to not make a mess
I know what you mean, but keep slowly adding, and when you rev it, you should see the level go down just a hair.
I would have the rear bleeder open when doing it. You can try opening and closing the bleeder on the water neck on the motor as well.
I would have the rear bleeder open when doing it. You can try opening and closing the bleeder on the water neck on the motor as well.