New member
Any other pictures of this beauty?
You got the rivets? here is the smaller one, best I could do for the bigger one had a button head
I used these for the plastic
I just used the button head unless 2 rivets were close then I used the stock yamaha ones.
I used these for the plastic
I just used the button head unless 2 rivets were close then I used the stock yamaha ones.
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Looking good
Well, drove the sled into the garage a few months ago, pulled the motor, set it on my garage floor (always heated). Now, it seems to have the rings stuck or something.
Cant pull it over with the recoil.
Sprayed some penetrating oil in plug holes, will try again tonight.
Cant pull it over with the recoil.
Sprayed some penetrating oil in plug holes, will try again tonight.
Motor is now free, and installed in the sled.
Cleaned power valves and installed.
All front suspension is back from powder coat and installed.
Working on replacing hifax, speedo bearing, rear suspension bearings as needed.
Also, test fit the power inc. pipes. Gonna take some adjustment....
Cleaned power valves and installed.
All front suspension is back from powder coat and installed.
Working on replacing hifax, speedo bearing, rear suspension bearings as needed.
Also, test fit the power inc. pipes. Gonna take some adjustment....

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Well, sled is complete, just waiting to get Ohlins rebuilt, in the mean time, have the stockers on.
Took sled out for initial shake down.
Runs great, until around 7000 RPM, then starts reducing power and will not go above 7000ish.
Feels like a bad spark plug but isn't.
Took plugs out, center and PTO have great color and dry. Mag was wet. Put new plug in, drove it another mile or so, plug was still wet and looked new.
Tested spark, and it does have spark on mag side.
Thinking I may have 2 problems at once here.
Stator, limiting RPM, and perhaps a leaking head gasket on Mag side.
New stator and head gaskets going in next week.
In the mean time, here are some more pics of it finished.
Took sled out for initial shake down.
Runs great, until around 7000 RPM, then starts reducing power and will not go above 7000ish.
Feels like a bad spark plug but isn't.
Took plugs out, center and PTO have great color and dry. Mag was wet. Put new plug in, drove it another mile or so, plug was still wet and looked new.
Tested spark, and it does have spark on mag side.
Thinking I may have 2 problems at once here.
Stator, limiting RPM, and perhaps a leaking head gasket on Mag side.
New stator and head gaskets going in next week.
In the mean time, here are some more pics of it finished.
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Wow, great looking sled man. Great year too, 2001 (IMO the best year). Fast sled
Thanks !
I have probably bought some of the parts for it from you and you don’t even know it ! (Headlight)
Well, this weekend been going through a few things to elimate possible problems.
Checked crank phase, that turned out good.
Carbs seem to be good, and new o-rings, clean jets ect.
Power valves in correctly. Reeds are all new.
Noticed coolant sitting on the mag pipe where it connects to the manifold, other two were dry.
Thinking I may have a head gasket leak on mag cylinder. Just don’t know if it would create the symptoms I was having. Not reving over 7000.
I have probably bought some of the parts for it from you and you don’t even know it ! (Headlight)
Well, this weekend been going through a few things to elimate possible problems.
Checked crank phase, that turned out good.
Carbs seem to be good, and new o-rings, clean jets ect.
Power valves in correctly. Reeds are all new.
Noticed coolant sitting on the mag pipe where it connects to the manifold, other two were dry.
Thinking I may have a head gasket leak on mag cylinder. Just don’t know if it would create the symptoms I was having. Not reving over 7000.
Just an update, last year, found power valves were way out of adjustment, so took care of that, but ran out of snow to test.
Hopefully that was my problem.
Hopefully that was my problem.
Little update on this sled..
Last Sunday, took it out for some shakedown passes, seems like the power valves were the culprit. All was good.
We were in a large flat field, testing with a couple buddies, as they are going racing in a couple weeks in Montana.
So we had my black 1997 MM, my buddies 1998 MM, 2001 SXR, and my SRX.
Been making passes all day, back and forth, about 1/8 mile long.
I was on the SRX, buddy on his SXR, we decided to swap sleds since he is heavier than me to see how much difference it made.
We take off, like always. At the end of the run, I let off and slowly braked.
He did not.
He and the sled kept on the pace.
At the end of this field is a gravel road embankment. The road is about 10 feet higher than the field. (we were running North and south, road is east and west).
I see him bail off the sled much too late, and the sled hits the embankment at anywhere from 80 - 100 MPH, and he hits it slightly slower.
Sled flew 30 Ft high and made it about 95Ft out into the next field in the air.
Buddy hit the ditch embankment and flew up over the road as well.
When we got to him, he was unconscious and foaming at the mouth. We called 911.
Shortly after we were on the phone with them, he stopped breathing, and started turning blue..
911 said we had to start CPR..
Buddy got his helmet off, and I started doing chest compressions.
After about 30 seconds or so, he started breathing again, but very labored.
Ambulance finally showed up and took him to ER.
Bad day..
Little update on this sled..
Last Sunday, took it out for some shakedown passes, seems like the power valves were the culprit. All was good.
We were in a large flat field, testing with a couple buddies, as they are going racing in a couple weeks in Montana.
So we had my black 1997 MM, my buddies 1998 MM, 2001 SXR, and my SRX.
Been making passes all day, back and forth, about 1/8 mile long.
I was on the SRX, buddy on his SXR, we decided to swap sleds since he is heavier than me to see how much difference it made.
We take off, like always. At the end of the run, I let off and slowly braked.
He did not.
He and the sled kept on the pace.
At the end of this field is a gravel road embankment. The road is about 10 feet higher than the field. (we were running North and south, road is east and west).
I see him bail off the sled much too late, and the sled hits the embankment at anywhere from 80 - 100 MPH, and he hits it slightly slower.
Sled flew 30 Ft high and made it about 95Ft out into the next field in the air.
Buddy hit the ditch embankment and flew up over the road as well.
When we got to him, he was unconscious and foaming at the mouth. We called 911.
Shortly after we were on the phone with them, he stopped breathing, and started turning blue..
911 said we had to start CPR..
Buddy got his helmet off, and I started doing chest compressions.
After about 30 seconds or so, he started breathing again, but very labored.
Ambulance finally showed up and took him to ER.
Bad day..
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I'll be thinking about him for a good long time. And I mean that. Prayers to him and his family.
I'm sorry to hear that, that's terrible. Hope he recovers quickly.
Wow. Prayers going out to your friend and his family. Keep us posted. And, you probably saved his life with those chest compressions
Prayers to him and his family. Thank goodness you and your friends were there to help.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
How is he coming along?
Went home from hospital yesterday.
13 broken ribs
2 punctured lungs
Broken collar bone and shoulder blade
13 broken ribs
2 punctured lungs
Broken collar bone and shoulder blade
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Sounds all too familiar. Whatever you do, don't make him laugh.