Octane - Buyer beware..


VIP Life Member
Oct 19, 2015
Minot ND
So, I know many have discussed fuel quality over the years here. But, a lot of it was speculation without any facts.

Last weekend I went to the place I usually fill my sleds at. Local Cenex station.
Put 91 Octane in a 5 Gallon can, then went to another Super Pumper station, and did the same.

I purchased a "Octane tester" off of eBay. Was skeptical about its accuracy, but figured at least it would give me an idea about the difference between two different batches of fuel.

So, this was "91 Octane" at super pumper20191110_153331.jpg

and this was "91 Octane" at CenexResized_20191110_153226.jpg

The 77 Octane crap was the cause of my engine failure last year Im sure on my XTC. It is the highest compression sled I have, and needed 94 Octane fuel.
Thought I was there with 91 and a good amount of Torco, turns out wasn't even close...
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Can you give me a link to that thing? Sounded interresting. The lettering on that thing seems russian?
No kidding, and it appears there are no checks in place to catch this kind of crap.....
I mean, if I fill my tank, even in a stock sled, with that crap, I will lose a motor for sure.
Hard to believe nobody checks fuel octane on a regular basis at these gas stations.
This is a major concern of mine since putting on pipes. I can usually only find 91 ethonal free in the upper peninsula and my pipes call for 93 from hauck. I'd love to thin my head gasket but I'm too worried about not running good fuel!!
well, if it makes you feel any better, we have 4 redheads, all running 1 layer head gaskets.
1 stock single pipe
1 with bender triples
1 with Hauck triples
1 with SLP triples
none have had any issues in the last 2 years
using "91 no ethanol"

Only one I had an issue with was my super high compression ported motor.
pretty sure I got that batch of 77 octane stuff in it
didn't work so good...
That does make me feel better murder yamaha. I'm feeling like I'm going to definitely end up doing this mod this season, something about more power that's addictive! Still I'll be worried but I feel the urge will out way that lol
