ported srx clutching


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2012
new york
I have a ported motor from Mr. viper700. He gave me a clutch set up using heelclickers which i had pretty close dialed in after his help.But after seeing what happened to my brother in laws heelclickers setup after blowing a belt has me wanting to go a different route. It destroyed the whole primary weights sheared off and chipped the sheaves and cover. I have multiple weights so open to any starting points thanks

Yes have both 00’s and 10’s. Also have heavy hitters 53, and 48 , 8ab’s, 8ca’s. And of course 8dn20’s
Don't have an answer for you on that, but how did your SRX run after the port work ?
Considering having mine done as well.
Who's going to be riding it and what is important for that person in a clutch set-up?
I personally like the BU-00s profile. But I have ZERO opportunity(or desire) for speed runs. The bu-00 profile is a jack rabbit weight. ABs,CAs also but neither have sufficient weight for an SRX.
Backshift for this profile is a bit lacking.
My wife and I both will be riding the machine. We mostly ride the ported Srx and apex for the lake. When we trail ride we take the stock Srx and the 600.
Speaking of Apex,

Blevins you ever run yours out of gas? I did to my 2011 and it's a bear to get running again
Speaking of Apex,

Blevins you ever run yours out of gas? I did to my 2011 and it's a bear to get running again

No I did not the only problem I ever had was one cold day it wouldn’t start and fouled all the plugs. Dealer changed plugs and good to go.
Blevis, how does your ported motor work ?
Noticeable improvement over stock ?
Did you have the case and cylinders ported ?
I'm going to have a gentleman on here do my top end this summer.

I decided to stay with stock bore.
I think your crazy for taking out the set up I gave you, I have ran h/c's for more then 10 yrs, never destroyed a clutch yet! set up 100's of clutchs for people, no blown clutchs! Its all about proper set up and gearing for correct belt speed, spend a lot of time in overdrive at wot with tight gears and your gonna blow belts on any clutch set up!

But... anyways, if you want drag type performance use 8bu-00, if you want aggressive and have long legs up top use 89a10 weights.
The 89a 10s are a blast. Running haucks set up with a straight 49 helix, hauck orange primary and hauck silver sec spring
