Are Headlight Covers Legal In MI?


New member
May 3, 2003
gaylord, MI
I've heard that headlight covers are now outlawed in Michigan. Can anyone verify this? And if so, what is the Fine?

Depends where you ride in the state. Obviously, some areas are patrolled heavier then others. Yes they are illegal and yes you can get a ticket, but most of what I heard is you get a warning. I got creative with mine as I don't want a ticket nor do I want to throw them away...$35.00 smakers. So I decided to ..... you have to wait and see. I'll post a pic when I get the chance.
I Got pulled over by a Sheriff along Old 27 between Fredrick and Waters about 5 weeks ago and he never mentioned my red headlight covers. He didn't ticket me for anything and only warned me for the speeding infraction (speedo read 89). I don't think he had me on RADAR but it did take him 5 miles on Old 27 to catch back up to me.
ViperTom said:
I Got pulled over by a Sheriff along Old 27 between Fredrick and Waters about 5 weeks ago and he never mentioned my red headlight covers. He didn't ticket me for anything and only warned me for the speeding infraction (speedo read 89). I don't think he had me on RADAR but it did take him 5 miles on Old 27 to catch back up to me.

its a new law, just passed this year, so my guess would be that most county cops arn't up to speed on it yet, i bet the DNR would write you for it.
I heard that headlight law doesnt take effect untill later this year? Ive been warned a few times about mine but i put it back on. When he warned me he told me i was okay but as soon as i crossed the road to get to the gas station then it became illegal like on a car? I said okie dokie took it off untill he left then put it back on.
The facts are : you can and will get a ticket for the colored lens , If you dont pay the D.N.R ticket there will be a warrent issued for your arrest , the D.N.R has just as much power as a State Trooper , When a D.N.R. officer give you a D.U.I. it goes on your state of michigan driver lic. ..You may get a nice guy to give you a warning but i would put my money on they will give you a ticket ...

Mark the shark : in my opion they look really cool , the red and the blue , but thats about it , they look good , i had blue for mine , but i got my warning last year and they just sit on the self now ..
those of you with the covers, do you take them off when running at night? I'd have to think they really affect the amount of light put out by the headlight in the dark....
My covers always come off when it nears dark. Maybe I'll keep them for running the lake...we'll see.

Thanks for the input,
Fact 2: Colored headlight covers are an open invitation and excuse for the cops to stop you and find out what else you've been up to... like how much fun you've just had at the bar up the road.
Major...Thats not an issue for me and IMO shouldn't be an issue with anyone with any bit of sense.
Major Havoc said:
Fact 2: Colored headlight covers are an open invitation and excuse for the cops to stop you and find out what else you've been up to... like how much fun you've just had at the bar up the road.

Thats not an issue for me. If you are looking for ways to make your sled look more normal or fit in, just you you can get hammered and then ride it without drawing attention to yourself, you dont belong on the trails or anywhere that you could possible put another person in harms way. JMO.
getting hammered and jumping on the sleds makes about as much sense as a screendoor on a submarine
The man got me. Out by Alba last Saturday a sheriff on a Pantera 2 up was patroling along 31 and stopped us for headlight covers. No ticket, just a warning and had to remove them. The jack a$$ cop made me start my sled after removing my covers so he could confirm that I have working headlights.
Funny thing is another cop was out by Blue lake and he just stopped, looked at our registration stickers and waved us on our way.
