1978 enticer 250 gas & oil line hookup


New member
Nov 16, 2023
Hi I’m hoping someone can help me. 1978 Yamaha enticer 250 need a picture or diagram of gas and oil line hook ups. I took carb. off and had to take gas tank and oil reservoir off and didn’t mark all the lines so not sure where they go.
Thanks for your time.
The rookie
I think i answered this question on a diff site ,,, but maybe diff user ... the spigot device bolted to bottom of the oil tank
was a convenient spot i guess.. it should be a remote cable operated fuel shut off ,in and out , nothing to do with oil.
I have been finding good Yamaha catalogs in partszilla
the picture in question
I think i answered this question on a diff site ,,, but maybe diff user ... the spigot device bolted to bottom of the oil tank
was a convenient spot i guess.. it should be a remote cable operated fuel shut off ,in and out , nothing to do with oil.
I have been finding good Yamaha catalogs in partszilla
the picture in question
Thank you so much you are right about the gas shut off on oil tank. Still not sure where all the lines get connected. Okay the oil tank has 2 nipples (plus 2 nipples on gas shut off) I know the one on the very top is a breather tube and doesn’t hook up to anything where does the one on the bottom go to? Also where do the 2 nipples on the gas shut go to? There is 2 nipples on the oil pump that I don’t know what connects to them. Carb. has 2 nipples does the top one go to the crank case and was line goes to the brass nipple? There is also a sm. Clear hose on carb. about 3” high with blk. cap I believe it’s for checking level of fuel in carb. there is also a small blk. hose about 5” long with a brass clamp on carb. it’s on the under side of carb. where the carb. hooks up to intake manifold. Does it get attached to anything or is some type of breather? Also gas tank has 3 nipples one on bottom off tank that is attached to a cap where does it go to? and 2 more nipples on top of tank I believe one is for venting not sure where the other one goes.
I really appreciate your time.
Thanks again, Angie


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the small black is the oil pump to the manifold ,,, another will come from bottom of oil tank
to the injection pump .... that spigot under the oil tank was just mounted there to look pretty
and so they could install a remote cable to that FUEL shut off spigot ... top oil tank is air vent .
Fuel tank will have a vent , probably a loop for site gauge .
Impulse line comes from crankcase to carb,,, often hard and getting brittle , cracks and won't run
the diaphragm pump.
If the fuel shut off is seized / blocked you can run the hose to the carb directly .. BUT sometimes
the tank would siphon fuel into engine when left full and parked nose down on a trailer, so
yours got a handy valve.. Most other brands made you lift the hood to close the valve.
the small black is the oil pump to the manifold ,,, another will come from bottom of oil tank
to the injection pump .... that spigot under the oil tank was just mounted there to look pretty
and so they could install a remote cable to that FUEL shut off spigot ... top oil tank is air vent .
Fuel tank will have a vent , probably a loop for site gauge .
Impulse line comes from crankcase to carb,,, often hard and getting brittle , cracks and won't run
the diaphragm pump.
If the fuel shut off is seized / blocked you can run the hose to the carb directly .. BUT sometimes
the tank would siphon fuel into engine when left full and parked nose down on a trailer, so
yours got a handy valve.. Most other brands made you lift the hood to close the valve.
Ron thanks for information I will see what I can do.
Thanks Angie
Ron thanks for information I will see what I can do.
Thanks Angie
Ron Thank you so much for all your time and information. I am finally getting back to putting back together. I am still confused on gas tank. bottom has screw on cover with gas line that goes to the carb. then there is a nipple 4” from bottom of tank which I believe is for checking level of gas that runs on the side of the console does that line then run back to gas tank to the other nipple on top? If not I don’t know where the other nipples on top of gas tank would go.
Thank you so much for your time.
If my plan works , it should attach a file where i have put my expectations
on the fuel lines. The parts also show a "return kit" which may not
have been standard.. IF you have a TEE in the upper vent/gauge line , there will
likely be an extra smaller fitting on the carb... All my older sleds have only
a fuel intake nipple cast into the btm , RH side of carb..
Remember to leave enough slack in fuel site gauge to loop into the
shroud , expect a vertical slot..

Make sure that fuel valve will open . if it doesnt . run line from bottom
of tank direct to carb .. Normally there for machines with mikuni carbs as
they would siphon from tank into engine when left parked down hill
on a trailer. I suppose something go go wrong in a diaphragm pump carb
if needle stuck open.
As mentioned before .. oil vents to handle bar support and bottom goes
to pump . I recall the fuel valve may be located under the tank and confuse things.
Hope i'm not too confused and you get plumbed up to catch snow before it melts.
You need to punch the insert to see my "words of wisdom"..LOL


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