Back to the Phazer (Vader returns)

I just wanted to say thank you for posting up your numbers and findings.

I'm at 700ft elevation and have the cold air kit. I Just need to get mine out running in the snow so I can tune it!
Hi phazer enthusiasts. We have gotten some serious snow here in Ontario. Will be out on the phazer this week. So far the the little fan is working flawless. Attracts a lot of attention on the trails. Even more when the modern stuff pulls up beside it on the lake and the little fan is turning its heart out pulling 140km/hr. That’s with safe jetting and and stock head gaskets, with premium fuel. Very happy with its fuel mileage too. Only thing I may try is a multi angle helix. I still am using the stock 47 degree. North of sixty I believe suggested a multi angle so I may search that out. Might give me a bit more RPM on top.
At present I’m at about 72-7300rpms, on the stock tachometer. It is performing well so I am sure I must be close. With an AAEN pipe and trail porting I believe 7500 is the target. That’s just from the archives from DynoTech. If anything I maybe off by a couple hp.
But it’s all wasted at the start because I’m using the original stock yokahoma track, and no studs. I was just trying to get her running correctly first. Hope the winter continues for a few weeks more
I had my Phazer out last Saturday on the lake. We got just over 6 inches of snow, so it was good time to run it.

All in all I thought it was running so much better than before. I went through my clutches last year and renewed them with OEM parts.

Now I'm at the point of clutching. I have the Aaen exhaust, not sure if it's the torquer or CAN style.

From what I've read and understand. After going to the aftermarket exhaust you want your engagement on the primary to be sooner(lower RPM), and your return rate to be quicker?

If you can point me to the write up on Phazer performance that'd be great.

Hi. Glad you’re out running the phazer. Most likely you have the AAEN quiet can like mine. It was by far the most popular model that company sold. They actually still sell the three pipes for the phazer. The torquer pipe adds about 8hp in the midrange only so it was popular as no clutching from stock is required. Next is their single silencer and it
Is easily recognized by the small stinger end and the exhaust exiting from there. You have to cut a new hole in the belly pan for it. Lastly is the quiet can. It has the exhaust exit out of a larger can style silencer on the side of it. The exhaust exits the stock location in the belly pan. That’s a little history. It gives 14hp through midrange to top end. They have a race only model and it gives 20Hp only on top so likely you don’t have it.
Anyway, with the pipe you want to bring the engagement up to 4000rpm and top rpm to 7000-7200 somewhere in there. Various weight and spring combos do that. If you have your year and clutch info I can help
