1998 srx 700


New member
Dec 14, 2024
Working on a good friend of mines sled. Was sitting for an unknown amount of time. Drained the fuel, put new plugs in, pulled the carbs and cleaned them, put new petals in the v force 3 reed cages and the darn thing will not run right. It has uni pod filters and some kind of aftermarket can on the stock pipes. It starts up cold ok and idles nice but when you rev it up on the stand and let off it acts like the spark is being killed momentarily and then returns to idle normal. Took it for a tip today after it warmed up for a minute and it didn’t even want to take off. The more throttle you give it the worse it was. Acting like it’s on a rev limiter and backfiring through the pipes. Bully the time I got back it was running crappy on like 2 cylinders
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This may actually be the TORRS. CHeck to see if your throttle cable is too tight. Should have some slack in it at rest. You can bypass it also to see if that’s it.
I tried eliminating the tors and the sled ran flawlessly for a few pulls. Then all of the sudden misfiring and randomly dying
So I got a used stator and it’s pretty much giving me the same readings when I bench tested it. What am I doing wrong here
When bypassing the tors you need to plug the wires on the wiring harness back together, the wires on the switch mean nothing once they are unplugged....just in case you missed that.
If the spark is good I would concentrate on the carbs and clean them again thoroughly. Also there are tiny "top hat" shaped screen filters underneath the brass float needle jets and you have to remove the needle jet to see them. The top hat filters have been known to plug up with old fuel after sitting a long time. Just remove them and throw them out.
When bypassing the tors you need to plug the wires on the wiring harness back together, the wires on the switch mean nothing once they are unplugged....just in case you missed that.
If the spark is good I would concentrate on the carbs and clean them again thoroughly. Also there are tiny "top hat" shaped screen filters underneath the brass float needle jets and you have to remove the needle jet to see them. The top hat filters have been known to plug up with old fuel after sitting a long time. Just remove them and throw them out.
The carbs were really clean when I pulled them apart considering it sat for a long time. And yes I plugged the wires together on the sled harness side
Was it sitting outside for a number of years? Look and see if the flywheel is really rusty? Happened to a srx I had before. It was really rusty and the pickup was corroded. Cleaned it all and ran fine
