Looking for a good heelclicker setup for a mountain viper with CPR pipes


Dec 29, 2011
north central Ohio
Hey guys. I'm in the process of building me a good off trail ditch banger. I installed cpr pipes on it and also put on a set of clutches that have what I believe the 46 36 clutch kit from heel clicker. It has the Grey primary spring and 46 36 helix. I'm not sure on how the weights are setup yet but it engages low and it is pretty smooth but when I put it up on a stand it reached 9300 which is way higher that I want lol. I'm new to the clutching world so I'm hoping to get some good starting points from the pros on here! Not looking for top high speed but good low and mid performance and also be able to get performance out of these pipes with rpms lol. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Thanks!
When I had my viper with cpr pipes max rpm was 9100. I always ran red spring in primary.

heel: long bolt 5 washers, 1 lock washer

center hole: long bolt with 1 washer

tip: empty.

50/38 with green sec at 70-80

This was for trail/lake
With sled being on stand rpm will be higher do to no load on track. I'd try it first and see where your at
When I had my viper with cpr pipes max rpm was 9100. I always ran red spring in primary.

heel: long bolt 5 washers, 1 lock washer

center hole: long bolt with 1 washer

tip: empty.

50/38 with green sec at 70-80

This was for trail/lake
With sled being on stand rpm will be higher do to no load on track. I'd try it first and see where your at
OK thanks! Hopefully we get some snow around here soon so I can try the setup that's in it right now. I've read alot about the red spring so I contacted heelclicker but they no longer make it
Revving it up on the dyno won't replicate the rpm it will run out in the real world because you have to load on the track. You'll have to ride it and note what rpm it runs, then make adjustments.
So finally got a little cold weather and enough snow to go give her a couple runs. She'll pull good to about 88-8900 and fall on her face but when I let off and grab again it'll pick back up? But I also pulled my plugs to check cause I just put these pipes on and 1&3 are light brown but center is running pretty lean with not much color.. so I guess there's another thing I need to figure out lol so I don't know if it's a carb problem or clutching problem??
I found a bunch of different jetting specs on Here. So I tried 160, 160, 162.5..50 pilot jets, screws at 1 and a half turns, and needle at 3.5 on pto and 4 on center and mag. I was digging on the internet last night and found an original jetting spec from Simon's for a stock viper and it says 160 for pto and 162.5 for center and mag?? So I'm thinking I might have to order another 162.5. I tried messaging Mr viper before but he never responded so I figured he probably don't get on here anymore
Well got the jet switched and upped the air screws to 2 and 1/8 and still falls on it face at the 8500ish mark but will reach 8900-9000 on the second try of throttle?? Anybody have any direction to go?
I'm thinking its the gray spring, should be red spring. You can try to see if anyone on here has one laying around. What make helix do you have, some angles are not what they say from different manufactures. Not sure what helix you need for off trail.
I'm thinking its the gray spring, should be red spring. You can try to see if anyone on here has one laying around. What make helix do you have, some angles are not what they say from different manufactures. Not sure what helix you need for off trail.
I ended up switching to heavy hitters and got it close. Hitting 8900 so have a little tweaking too do. Would you happen to know the specs for machining down the factory head for more compression? Or know any place that does it by chance? I tried looking on Here but can't find any info on it
