phazer questions....

The best place I can think of is Go under "parts and service" and you will see where it says "view owner's manual". Click on that and it will let you look at the owner's manual from any sled '98 and newer.
They list a Phazer Mountain Lite in '98 (I think that was the last year they made the Mountain Lite) and you should be able to look up specs (and anything else in the owner's manual for that sled).
Other than that, try using internet search engines such as You never know what you might find...
yeah, thats a great idea, never thought of it :) thanks! the search thing doesnt seem to get me anywhere other than here though lol!
I was thinking of adding a pro action to my 90' Phazer and stretching it to 144" but I think the pro action would add LOTS of wieght. I've been also looking for a 136" Phazer II skid and moving it back 4" to fit a 144x1.25 (1.25 fits with the stock 8 tooth drivers). My uncle has a piped phazer II with porting and it can dang near hang with my 600 tripple up to 80mph, way faster than my stock Phazer. Just a pipe alone brings the phazer up to 70-75hp.
this is sounding more and more like a good idea all the time :) does the proaction bolt right in? seen it done before somewhere, remember thinking that if you set it for full on weight transfer it would be a blast to fool around with :)
There was a Phazer on's section where they have pics of various people's sleds.
There used to be a older Phazer on there that was called a "Phazer Mod". It had the rear suspensin from a '97 SX and it was painted blue. It looked pretty sharp and Im sure it was a blast to ride.
yeah, thats where I saw it! looked sweet, was an 84 if I remember right too. seems like with no weight on the front and good transfer it would be a wheelie machine. figure I would throw a pipe on it since, well, may as well lol!
I would avoid the pipe, it takes away too much from the low-end torque.
If you are running a long track, you arent going to have a speed machine. Also, you are going to want to keep the low-end torque of the stock pipe to get the longer track spinning so you can stay on top of the fluff.
Put a clutch kit in that sled, a track with 1.25" paddles and you will be in business!
All this talk has got me kind of wishing I would have kept my '90 Phazer II!
yeah, low end tq is better, but thought maybe with all the extra top end if it were clutched real good.... hmmmmm. also not sure if I will long track now....guess I really have no idea lol!! thanks for the input :)
Dude, you gotta long track it!!! Just think about it, can you imagine the looks you will get from people when you are out riding when they see you ride by on a longtracked Phazer???
They are gonna be like, "WTF?!?!" Then, once you are gone they are gonna say to their riding buddies, "did you see that? A longtracked Phazer!"
Im considering getting a mountain sled myself just because I like the looks of that long pan sticking out the back. I bet one of those sleds would hook up pretty good coming out of the corners. It would hurt my corners (Im sure I wouldnt be able to pitch a mountain sled sideways like I do with my little 121") but it sure would look cool!
I know where there is an '03 RX-1 Mountain for sale. I rode it 2 months ago and let me tell you, that sled rips!
yeah, guess you are right lol! could I just bolt in a mountain lite rear? all the mounts the same?? hmmmm..... they are 136 i think... good all around length.. :) getting psyched now!!
