Me on an Apex


Active member
Nov 6, 2003
Northern Ontario
Here is me on an Apex....almost got to ride it. The guy left in running in the parking lot and....well I was tempted to go for a little ride.

It looks huge in that pict. The handle bars look really high. I wonder what it rids like. I need a smoother ride. The Viper beat me up this weekend. I am sore...
The rider position felt great...handle bars were at the perfect position. Lots of room for your feet right to the back of the machine. It sounded good nice low end rumble. It would idle so smooth. The seat was very comfortable and the machine looked good. The feedback from the local yamaha guys is that it is closer to 160 HP and not the 150 as advertised.
it is not really some guys sled but belongs to yamaha and my local dealer had it on display for the Yamafest ride. He should not leave it running unattended.
It was sooooo tempting.
hey viperguy,
I would love to get one but they are laready sold out at my dealer.
I think i will hang on to my SXR a few more years.
